PO2 - why is no one talking about mapping's horrendous performance and fps drops

Hello all,

Im a console pkayer (xbox) , and Just like the title says, i really i'm intrigued , i dont understand, i mean the game is criminally unoptimized and borderline unplayable once you start the endgame journey, with all the "not so really helpul" graphic options they have, its like they're just there to scale resolution, nothing else, i tried everything, spent 1 entire week trying every combination possible, on 3 high end tvs with VRR, frame gen etc...tried all options on fsr, bilinear, NIS, even on 1080p mode, 60/120hz, dynamic rez with and without, EVERY..FREACKING...OPTION POSSIBLE..and yet, the moment i encounter a cluster of mobs,boom 10 fps...its getting me killed so many times...no time to react, i cant even see what's happening with the drops and the already overexaterated effects and stuff blinding me....

Its UNPLAYABLE, and UNFUN, i cant believe i'm saying this, but for now i went back to diablo4 ,if there's one thing it does better compared to poe2, its performance..

I home ppl will start reporting this more and more so that ggg takes it seriously.

Last bumped on Jan 20, 2025, 11:43:50 PM
Multiple posts about no optimization has been made what are you talking about?
Playing on xbox is brutal. I cant believe the game was released like this even as EA.

Breachs basicly freeze my screen for half a second every second, and regular mapping looks like a game from 2005
Same, xbox is absolutey brutal to play on
GGG is silent for now when it comes to optimization on consoles, and this is a huge problem when it comes to performance because the FPS drops are so large that our character dies, losing everything.
We need information on whether they will do this at all to make playing on the console comfortable and enjoyable.

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