ogham manor floor transparency bug


sometimes the floor in ogham manor goes transparent. it seems to happen most often when i'm near the balcony that overlooks the boss arena.

i'm playing on windows 10, but i admit that my nvidia driver is a little out of date, so maybe that's the issue. my best character is partway through act 2 and i haven't seen this issue anywhere else yet.


Last bumped on Jan 27, 2025, 9:10:53 PM

i updated my video card drivers and the problem persists. my video card is an nvidia geforce 960.

i now noticed the problem occurring in the grim tangle, which is strange, since the map has no lower floors, so i don't understand why the floor wouldn't be fixed all the time. at least in the ogham manor there was something on a lower floor that had to appear when you were near a balcony, but not in the grim tangle.

please fix.



i just reached the ziggurat encampment in act 3 and most of the floors are missing there too. at least in ogham manor the problem didn't really affect gameplay, but in the ziggurat encampment there are whole objects missing too, like the well and the hooded one. i have to look at the minimap instead of the centre of the screen to see where i can and can't walk.

please fix.


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