Crossbow Skills Not Working After Update

After the update today, swapping from Bow to Crossbow will brick the crossbow. The weapon itself hangs strangely in front of the character, and the character's move speed is dramatically reduced. I have checked over 10 times if the attribute requirements are met, and they are exceeded on both weapons. I even specc'ed into Polymathy to ensure this is the case.

When I have my crossbow equipped my stats are:

191 Dex
75 Int
167 Str

Crossbow Requirements: 116 Str 116 Dex

Bow requirement: 174 Dex

When I switch to bow, my stats are:

224 Dex
75 Int
141 Str

Highest Requirement on all other gear gear: 133 Dex, 116 Str, 59 Int

As you can see, my stats exceed all requirements, regardless of equipped weapon.

I have switched Crossbows to an older one, and the issue still persists. Reset all keybinds, still an issue. I have about 4 skills bound to bow and 3 to crossbow--all 4 bow skills work, all 3 crossbow skills do not.

Please help!
Last bumped on Jan 26, 2025, 10:13:44 AM
I have confirmed that this is only an issue while I’m in my hideout. When I leave, I can use my crossbow skills normally. When I return, they are bricked after switching to bow.

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