[Collection] -- Infuriating POE2 Game Problems -- (post your own, agree dissagree with points)

What are the most annoying things in POE2 that should be changed that wouldnt change the game too much?

For me there are some really infuriating problems in this game that can be often fixed easily or where its unclear why they even exist in the first place:

IIII Time-Travel-Issues
- Act3 normal City not visitable normally and if your in the city you have no teleporter

- ACT3 in general seems buggy with timetravel - i often seem to switch arround without even wanting to - there needs to be a clear distinction i think it would be best to give it its own map-tab

- this especially seems weird when doing the permanent buffs in ACT3 sometimes

IIII Hideout
- Hideout not easily accessable from everywhere

- No easy way to travel back to where you came from especially when you go into other Hideouts - this is really annoying when trading and i can see no logical reason for that

IIII Invisible DMG
- even when playing alone, worse when in a group - there is no real way to actually see what AOE effects are friendly and what are not

- often you cant even see potentially deadly effects on the floor

IIII Storage Management
- there needs to be better inventory management - at least in premium stash tabs (auto sort to use free space; maybe even advanced divisions in the storage that you can use for auto drop into them)

- not beeing able to see rarity and level of items without going over each individual item is beyond annoying - why not use the loot-filter settings when pressing ALT etc.?

IIII Goldsellers and Inflation
- Goldsellers are becoming a major problem
- Spam is getting completely out of hand - its worse each day with global spam and whisper spam

- Inflation probably for the same reason is completely out of hand

IIII Battle Goldsellers with hard rules:
- if you buy for real money -> Ban
- Advertise for RMT -> Ban

- add "community" moderators that are only allowed to chatban Goldsellers and review those bans later on

- add more use to Divine Orbs to stop the development of them becoming the only real trading currency that isnt really used pushing its price up more

-- for example make them usefull to upgrade Waypoints etc. in some way

IIII Trading:
- I think trading as it is is better than an AH but there seriously are improvements needed

- give players a way to set their trading to "Busy" or whatever with an automated reply when whispered (for example "Mapping", or "Mapping - free at 14:00")

- learn from the third party interfaces that have dedicated ways to keep track of what you sell/buy (Overwolf)

- having to constantly invite ppl in groups they arent supposed to be in and having issues to get them out or even having them potential access to loot drops etc. is awful - this needs to be its own system

- Traveling to a Hideout should offer the ability to just teleport back to where you came from

I think these things are huge problems at this time and most of them could be solved rather easily and it doesnt make sense that those problems exist in the first place.

IIII New Players:
This game needs way more help for new players:

- create a dedicated Help channel where ppl can go in and help and look for help without spamming the main channel - and also having ppl serverwide in that chat for more help

- the game needs way more warnings for game mechanics and Tooltips for example:
-- Map Reset when not on the map for too long
-- Most ppl dont even seem to know that you can reset maps
-- fast identify with CTRL+Left click on hooded one
-- SHIFT to apply scrolls to multiple items etc.
-- Merchant reset mechanics etc.

Last edited by _N0ctus_#6387 on Jan 24, 2025, 10:02:58 AM
Last bumped on Jan 24, 2025, 2:20:09 PM
Something i forgot is Multiplayer

Not sure why but this game seriously seems to hate Multiplayer for no reason.

I think they should also put a bit more focus on multiplayer:
- balancing (especially bigger groups and bosses)
- group-systems (party search, party options etc.)
- general community features (guilds, guild hideout, usage of personal hideout) etc.
- this also includes the chat system- this is one of the worst im plementations ive ever seen - what in any normal game are tabs are oversized filter buttons for some super weird reason?

A lot of those things probably arent much work - but they would change a lot. Especially in Campaign before end-level most changes probably wouldnt even interfere with the Endgame.
Last edited by _N0ctus_#6387 on Jan 24, 2025, 11:37:57 AM
Something i forgot on Inventory Management

- beeing able to pull a tab into a folder on the right side
- beeing able to open 2 tabs at once
- beeing able to multiselect
- autosort for maximum space in a tab
- beeing able to set at least custom colored parts/or even sepparate visually in a chest to sort - at best it would even only put similar objects in those custom chest-parts when putting things in

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