Add some better body diversity in the future?

Yes yes '' doesn't affect gameplay so it's not important '', okay good for you.
No it isn't a game-breaking deal, but hey it's early access and feedback time...

Just in general I think the main issue I have is that they look uninteresting.
They don't lean in any direction they're kinda just default looking it's like they're designed to look as '' inoffensive '' as possible.
Both could be better but with the female characters it kinda feels especially bad imo.
It's sorta like they just have different faces copy pasted to the same body.

The Witch looking more famished fits more thematically heck it could even be pushed more and if anything the Sorceress looking identical kinda detracts from that.
Giving the Sorceress a bit more meat on the bone would also set them apart, even women who are skinny don't all look the same...
Like yes I am gonna use the scary and controversial B-word(s) but women can be on the thin side and have boobs ( and butts ) that aren't small lmao breasts aren't only fat tissue and fat isn't evenly distributed on everyone.
Things like big butts can literally run in the family yes for men included, a lot of this is genetics too.

The male characters kinda goes from the Warrior who looks like a steroid user eating like and living a bodybuilder lifestyle.
He's actually a good example, because no you don't become that big by just hitting the forge but it *thematically* works.
And to the Mercenary and Monk that are kinda still very athletic and muscular, but they both also have the more default '' inoffensive '' body standard for men you see *constantly* in media.

But yeah those are my thoughts on it.
I understand that skin modelling is harder with more body types, but these skins are also very expensive lets be real here.
So I still think it's a fair criticism and expectation even with that in mind.
Especially for future characters.
Last bumped on Jan 25, 2025, 2:15:02 AM
So, let me get this right:

You want the women who are portraying a traditional "frail" or "glass cannon" class to put on a few extra pounds because it's not "realistic"? And you want the men portraying super athletic male-archetypes to be....less athletic? For what...diversity?

If you want things to look more realistic and diverse, then go to your local mall and just people watch. The only time you're ever looking at your character with that much detail is in the character selection screen, or when you're MTXing out.

You say that the characters fit the theme (which all of them do), but in the same breath want them to....stand out from the theme? And you want the women to have proportional asses and breast, with even fat distribution?

So you want Lost Ark. You want, with all your heart, to have a fan-service themed game. I feel like the only reason why you even threw the whole "monk and merc look mid" statement in there was to just cover up the fact that you're weebing out. Hard
Last edited by l_Caxius_l#7930 on Jan 25, 2025, 12:52:05 AM
I agree with only one thing you mentioned:

Bigger boobs.


Thanks GGG.

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