How can you progress when there is almost no item drop

Map level 8. With several modifiers. Several attempts made consecutively. Nothing. No waystone. No loot. Nothing usefull. I'm gradually exhausting my maps without seeing how I can hope to progress. Extremely frustrating. And I dont mention those mobs that one shot you. I don't mind the game being demanding, but to make progression so painful... Personally, I'm not a masochist and am thinking of literally giving up. A free game remains too expensive if it makes me lose my patience. The dev needs to make it fun to have a fight. Not to fight to hope some, maybe some fun.
Last edited by chat-sismique#8552 on Jan 27, 2025, 5:08:39 PM
Last bumped on Feb 3, 2025, 6:43:46 AM
T16 maps... Still nothing.
Best way to get upgrades is to save all the materials you find, salvage stuff, DO NOT CRAFT(total waste of materials), trade that stuff for exalts, divines, and then go to the trade site and get upgrades. I haven't had a single drop, craft, or anything homebrewed come up with anything of value and just wastes materials. Trade Chaos orbs(currently 7 exalts), all they do is target the best mods and brick the item...every...single...time...
You need learn to craft. salvage items and save all where base stats is what you class is using,reforge and use exalts thats cheapest way progress.
So in maps with a bit of rarity you should be getting a lot of exalted orbs. I don't agree with people saying to never craft. Exalted orbs are not super valuable so if you find or gamble a good base then consider exalting it up. I have upgraded my gear and made items Worth divines many times doing this.
My friends that picked up EA the same time I did have all stopped playing. They aren't able to get gear good enough to deal with the act II boss. They all have jobs/families and don't play 12 hours a day. They don't want to buy gear, they want to find it. Loot needs improvement, also, the bosses that can one shot players, just because they're in a group, needs to be readjusted
T16 maps... Still nothing.

Im currently half way through T13 and I am already afraid that after T15 it will be hard to progress. Current maps I have are from trades and not drops. Its only 2 months of gaming and already majority of people in End game are stuck with progressing Atlas maps run.

It seems that this game is only a few months game of playing or 1 year max. And its only Early Access, players are already hearing the echo of not progressing in this game anymore.
Seyfzone#9724 wrote:
T16 maps... Still nothing.

Im currently half way through T13 and I am already afraid that after T15 it will be hard to progress. Current maps I have are from trades and not drops. Its only 2 months of gaming and already majority of people in End game are stuck with progressing Atlas maps run.

It seems that this game is only a few months game of playing or 1 year max. And its only Early Access, players are already hearing the echo of not progressing in this game anymore.

In just five days of atlas playing(on game start even before loot drop up), I had a full quad tab of high-level maps… You just need to take the relevant atlas nodes for map drops and occasionally visit maps with bosses.
Last edited by talraashi#8263 on Jan 30, 2025, 4:52:45 AM
bosses tend to drop higher tier maps. juice up your white and blue maps. use some tablets on towers to increase the mods. i use to have the same problem.
Seyfzone#9724 wrote:
T16 maps... Still nothing.

Im currently half way through T13 and I am already afraid that after T15 it will be hard to progress. Current maps I have are from trades and not drops. Its only 2 months of gaming and already majority of people in End game are stuck with progressing Atlas maps run.

It seems that this game is only a few months game of playing or 1 year max. And its only Early Access, players are already hearing the echo of not progressing in this game anymore.

In just five days of atlas playing(on game start even before loot drop up), I had a full quad tab of high-level maps… You just need to take the relevant atlas nodes for map drops and occasionally visit maps with bosses.

This, the map points you get by doing doryani missions need to be spent into nodes that increase waypoint drops and higher level waypoint drops.
And then also do as many map bosses as possible as they have a better chance to drop more waystones.
I am swimming in T15 and T14 waystones so much I 3 to 1 all t14 and I craft all t15 and corrupt them to try to get t16.

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