Shader Stuck - If you can help me please advice


Despite being good fps (outside of a few maps like Savannah and Fortress) i m constantly stuttering due to "Shaders". I tried everything i can , opening Nvidia Shaders (100gb) , updated bios + drivers etc nothing helps.

My in game latency is 40ms but when i kill especially densitied mobs game locks or stutters like split second to 1 second and FPS drops like from 100 to 40.

My rig ; 4.1 ghz cpu 8 cores and 16 multicores , 4070gpu with 16gb ram 3200mhz and NVE SSD.

Other games perfectly fine ultra/high 4k. Tried lowering resolution but did not help. In fact if i reduce my graphs it goes more bad.

I even updated my drivers to Nvidia 571,96. Overall performance somehow improved but still stuttering behind "shaders" lock (F1 perf metrics)

Last bumped on Jan 29, 2025, 1:59:25 AM

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