projectiles have short range when using controller
i'm using an xbox 360 controller on windows 10. thanks again for adding controller support to poe2. my problem is that ranged attacks fail to lock onto targets that are a bit far away. i'm not talking about off screen, i mean about 6 metres away, if the scale is correct. for example, i just faught the end of act 2 boss with a ranger character, and even though there were no other enemies in the arena and i could still clearly see the boss near the edge of my screen, my arrows kept flying off in my direction of movement, rather than towards the enemy. i had to get surprisingly close before my attacks would fire towards him, which put me within range of his sweeping attack. what's the point of having a ranged character if you need to get right up close to actually use her attacks? please add a little more range to the auto-aim feature for players who use a controller. note that i can still use the right analog stick to manually aim some attacks, but only with attacks that are mapped to the L&R buttons, not the ABXY buttons, as i need to take my thumb off the analog stick to press those buttons. but even then, i often find that my long-range attacks miss, as the auto-aim feature is normally so aggressive at shorter ranges that i can't get used to manually aiming. please try playing the game with a controller to see how long-range attacking could be improved. thanks. -az Last bumped on Jan 29, 2025, 6:58:27 AM
further to the previous post, when i try to use the right analog stick to manually aim at a long-range enemy when there's a closer enemy in a different direction, the auto-aim feature tends to prioritise the closer enemy instead of the long-range enemy i'm actually aiming at. this is really annoying, especially when i need to use a different attack at the long-range enemy, or when i'm using an attack with a long cooldown that i don't want to waste on the nearer enemy. i've also found the opposite, where i use the right analog stick to aim at a closer enemy, but the attack flies off in the direction of a longer-range enemy. i know it sounds like you can't win, but perhaps you can prioritise the closest enemy within a cone that's pointing in the direction of the right analog stick, and only target the closest enemy when there is no input from the right analog stick. or perhaps you can add a per-skill option that lets the player toggle auto-aim themselves instead? this would be great, as some skills have a wide area of attack and can be aimed towards whoever is closest, while other attacks are very targetted and would do well to prioritise the right analog stick's direction instead. thanks. -az |