GGG you need a scammer report system smh

Last bumped on Feb 4, 2025, 3:02:22 AM
They have been doing it all day on throwaway accounts, and still at it. I reported them 6 hours ago.
The same people are at it today with the same items, just on new accounts. The item stats are all exactly the same. COME ON!
bump still going at it
I was the one being scammed today, lost 19 div orb for false Morior Invictus. So, I send by email to official support account, getting the answer, "there would be no return or restore any item that have been stolen by other players."

I am quite surprised that the company just let scammers spoil their own customer, even knowing the fact, answer is "there is nothing the company can do".

So, GM's answer is proving that this game was for scammers, market system was to make stupid game players to feel frustration by being cheated. I lost my 19 divine orb which I put my effort around more than 300 hours scammed and lost.

I had maybe too high expectation on GGG, with uprising new game, but so much disappointed and frustrated with the way how they deal with customers.

If the company's purpose was to make customer to be frustrated with the market system, it is perfect. doing nothing for scammers, all of stupid game players will be the victim, being stressed with all kind of dealing.
Also got scammed this way

Was gonna buy a maxroll Morior Invictus (well 299%)
5 rune slots
+to elemental resists
+to attributes

They switched item to a (299%)

5 rune slots
+to global defences

I mean, yeah the Item is nearly identical but obviously worthless in comparison to the one i was after.

Chinese name ( i think, asian letters anyways )
Have reported account and mailed support, but no answer there yet..

Look. I've bought alot of high value items these last couple weeks, and there have been frankly too many attempts to scam me,which I caught and aborted / reported player.. But this one I'm not sure what happened, maybe the items was just too similar that my brain simply didnt register the one difference(

They scammed me off 99 divs....... Really soul crushing that these players get away with it, they presumably just invite ppl all day long like an assembly line and just keep trying until someone like me mess up and dont spot what they're up too..

Also, its really hard to actually copy the name of the accounts if they're using like non western alphabet letters in their names. Had to resort to screenshot to send support. Although I doubt I'll get any of the divs back.. Hopefully these scum can get banned.....
Last edited by twerkmcjerk#4342 on Feb 2, 2025, 9:35:55 AM
Got hit today with a scammer. Just like this one.

Was in a hurry and made a bid on the BP and got an invite.

The % was right so i tought is was cool, click accept, but it was not. #¤%#!!!!

This trade system is bad, real bad.

But then again, it is my fault.
Are all you people just blindly accepting trades? Like really folks. It takes TWO seconds to check.

This is not the scammers fault. This is your fault.

Shame on you.

Do you guys fall for the scams in your email that say you have a long lost relative and your inheritance is 500,000,000 and all you have to do is wire them $2,000 to unlock it?

Saying that deceiving people is ok, but being deceived is the one wrong?
Why do game companies have Game Managers? To give job who are not doing anything? GMs are the ones to control those unpleasant abusers to make game circumstances better to keep users in the game.

If the company policy is "whatever you scammed, you are the stupid ones", the company will face not a pleasant future soon.

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