Decay Map generated incompletable layout (#2,441,728,857)

This appears to be a less-common bug, as I've run dozens of Decay maps by now, and this is only now the first time this has occurred.

Simply put, when generating this map layout, it created an isolated "Island" off in the bottom "corner" of the zone, that had no means of access. Unfortunately, this had a rare monster on it, rendering this map impossible to achieve "completion" of by normal means.

Bug Report #: 2,441,728,857

Reproduction: This is entirely a server-side zone-generation issue. But for what it's worth, (and unknown whether this would be in the bug report data) this was a map that had a boss. There were no other major content icons, no tablets affecting the map, and minimal map mods (these are visible in the screenshot)

Screenshot: Screenshot depicts an example of the "edge" of what's walkable before impassible water isolating the "island;" also visible is an otherwise-complete full minimap, and the map mods.

Rufalius, hybrid Aura/Arc/Mana Guardian | Hemorae, TS Raider | Wuru, Ele Hit Wand Trickster
Last bumped on Feb 18, 2025, 7:50:31 AM
I also encountered something like this. Rare was on an island where there was no way to get there.
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IGN: Kech
1 Exalt = 6 GCP = 18 Chaos/Regret = 40 Fusing

I found a similar issue as well.

Disconnected in the middle but luckily I'm able to teleport over to complete the map.

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