Stuttering/Lag + FIX

POE 2 has been running fine for me since the beginning of early access, however, the last couple days I've been experiencing some SERIOUS stuttering and after some extreme time consuming and mind draining digging, I've finally discovered what's causing the stuttering.

For whatever reason, the chat is causing a high CPU spike everytime a message comes through, either from global chat, trade chat or a private message. I noticed a stutter occur everytime a message came through the chat. I entered an empty chat by typing a random 4 digit number to join global and trade - You can do this by typing /global 4253 and /trade 4235. It will put you in an empty chat and result in 0 stuttering. You will only get a stutter if you hit enter to start typing or send a message/receive a private message from someone.

I've uploaded 2 pictures showing what happens as soon as chat is enabled. As you can see, CPU spikes occur the second you start using chat. I hope this helps anyone experiencing this frustrating issue and GGG fix it ASAP.

Last edited by Shin0bi#1060 on Feb 8, 2025, 2:08:24 AM
Last bumped on Feb 17, 2025, 12:40:27 PM
Persists, and this is not limited to only global chat but also trade chat, basically any new messages sent by other players causes these stutters consistently. Just turning off "Show Global Chat" or "Show Trade Chat", has no effect, it only hides the chat for me, but players messages still pass through and causes the same stutters.

Only reliable suggestion is to manually go to a dead channel, for example /global 999, or /trade 999 fixes the stutters completely as there are no players in these channels and hence no messages.

This is extremely bad, as it forces players away from social interaction, and if they aren't aware of this, it causes an underwhelming combat experience with the stutters. Worse is, this probably also occurs with other chats like whispers, parties, and guild chat.
Last edited by Climet#7103 on Feb 17, 2025, 9:40:58 AM
Ive done this, Unfortunately it did not solve my issue. I have tried a million things but I am still getting massive CPU MS spikes. Anywhere from 20-80 MS. Higher end being a breach map. Game is unplayable for me right now and I have no choice but to wait for GGG to find a solution and fix it.

RPkHaze#2648 wrote:
Ive done this, Unfortunately it did not solve my issue. I have tried a million things but I am still getting massive CPU MS spikes. Anywhere from 20-80 MS. Higher end being a breach map. Game is unplayable for me right now and I have no choice but to wait for GGG to find a solution and fix it.

Are those random spikes while in maps, or in hideout too?
Just open world / maps. Hideout I have no issues.

Game ran flawlessly for 2 month for me, Then out of no where I started getting these large CPU MS spikes and CPU usage would jump to 100. Mostly in open world zones / maps, including towns. I noticed it in some players hideouts when making trades.

The second I try any form of combat the MS will spike tremendously causing FPS drops, Stutters, Sound distortion and even parts of the world will take upwards of 10 seconds to render in.
RPkHaze#2648 wrote:
Just open world / maps. Hideout I have no issues.

Game ran flawlessly for 2 month for me, Then out of no where I started getting these large CPU MS spikes and CPU usage would jump to 100. Mostly in open world zones / maps, including towns. I noticed it in some players hideouts when making trades.

The second I try any form of combat the MS will spike tremendously causing FPS drops, Stutters, Sound distortion and even parts of the world will take upwards of 10 seconds to render in.

Same situation here. Except it has been this bad since launch for me.
Last edited by 5teele#0157 on Feb 17, 2025, 12:23:47 PM
find PowerSettingsExplorer download

Create a Power Profile POE2 from HighPerformance

Edit this profile in the PowerSettingsExplorer

Set min/max Processor State in this profile to 70% at first, increase if your CPU cooling and Temp allows it.

Find "Disable Idle" in the PowerSettings Explorer and apply

(its in Realtime if you Apply)

Suddenly the game is smooth even on older CPUs from ~2015

Download Bitsum ProcessLasso and set this new Profile when POE2 starts.

Check CPU Temp´s if they are in a good range you can play POE2 smooth.

When POE2 closes ProcessLasso goes back to Balanced or whatever you had.

Windows 11 23H2 doesn't have the Energy Bugs 24H2 has.

If you can Downgrade back to win 11 23h2 and wait for 25H1

That's how i can play smooth.

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