[BUG] Attribute Allocation and Equipment Requirement Issues on PS5

I’ve encountered a major bug related to attributes and equipment requirements in Path of Exile 2 on PS5. The issue has made my character unplayable, and a friend of mine on PlayStation is also experiencing the same problem. However, another friend on Xbox does not have this issue.

I was playing the game, and in the middle of a fight, I noticed that my R2, R1, and L1 wouldn’t attack. I jumped into the binding screen to rebind the buttons, and that’s when my nightmare started

Here’s what I found:

When I try to respec my attributes, the wrong stats increase.
Example: If I buy Dexterity, I get Strength instead.

If I try to work around this by buying the wrong stat on purpose, the numbers seem correct, but...

Even when I have enough Dexterity (e.g., 120 Dex) according to the stats screen, I still cannot equip items that require 120 Dex. The game says I don’t meet the requirements.

This issue remains even after respeccing everything multiple times.

I fully respecced all my attributes, restarted the game, and carefully reallocated them—but the bug persists.
I tried removing all gear that provides attributes, then re-equipping items—no change (now I can't equip half of that)
I switched between different weapon sets (lower ones), thinking it might refresh the stat calculations—still bugged.

A friend playing on Xbox does not have this issue, but another PlayStation player does, suggesting it may be a PS5-specific bug.

Possible Causes & Additional Notes:
It seems like my displayed stats don’t match my actual stats internally, making the game think I don’t have enough attributes.
It could be related to a server desync, a passive skill allocation bug, or an issue with the way stats are applied after respeccing.

If this is a known issue, please let me know if there’s a workaround.

Otherwise, I’d appreciate it if GGG could look into this for PS5 players.

All of this started happening after the latest patch, which was supposed to bring quality-of-life improvements for PS5 players… but now I can’t even play the game!

Also, I don’t even own PoE2, according to the website. It only shows PoE1, which I barely played.

Support is useless—after reading some comments, I see I was actually lucky to get a response at all. After that, they completely ghosted me.

I decided to buy this game, support early access, and accept the risks—but getting problems like these after a patch? That’s a joke.

And I won’t even start on how unusable the trading system is on consoles—it feels like something from 1999. Even when whispering via PC, it’s time-consuming and stupid.
Last bumped on Feb 9, 2025, 7:43:33 AM
I have the same issue with the attributes on ps5.
Did you find any fix? I played yesterday with relocating and somehow equipped the weapon back, but the suit is impossible. It says I need 95 INT, I pushed it to 150, and it's still red.

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