Last patch made alsmost pointless to play on PS5

Gameplay from day one left a lot to wish for but we kinda managed to play with all the bugs and lags but now its enough.... whats the point, dying because of "improvments" from yhe last update and losing 10% which after lev 90 taking a cosiderable amount of time to farm. To name in details:
1) aimng is faulty like fu.k, I have the impresion that aming command stop working in the middle of action. I ex, while fighting the Taskmaster suddelny I started shooting at the Fricking wall while standing literaly next to him. In the middle of my clip while constantly aimg at him!!!!!!!
2) while charging plasma blast its sudenly stoping just because... and YES I HAD R2 button all the time pressed.
3) walking while aimg same shit one time will shoot as it supose to do and sometimes its just walking straingt towards enemy with no rection what so ever.
4) lags in the gameplay are insane, game keep pausing for few seconds and the all the commands while unresposive are done without any of my control
Thats just to name few. I feel that playing on the consol so much more drag, pain and nervwracking compare to what I can observe while my brother is having on the pc. PLase fix it or Im affraid that lots of us decide its realy a pointless efort.
Last bumped on Feb 9, 2025, 5:57:10 PM
I have even bigger problems, but no one will bother to reply...
I still waiting...
And I thought that I have problem with the gameplay. The last patch in the way improved our life but outside poe2. Lack of response is very bad especially that we are supposedly in the testing phase. Hopefully it will get sorted soon and will be able to enjoy playing.

4) lags in the gameplay are insane, game keep pausing for few seconds and the all the commands while unresposive are done without any of my control
Thats just to name few. I feel that playing on the consol so much more drag, pain and nervwracking compare to what I can observe while my brother is having on the pc. PLase fix it or Im affraid that lots of us decide its realy a pointless efort.

This is my current issue, and why im not actually playing.

Ive tried all advice, including turning HDCP off and changing my location to London instead of Auto.

Nothing has helped. its 5PM here now, so wonder if its to do with servers. I also have issues almost every night I try to play at about 10pm.
Thanks for your reports.

The recent patch added some new targeting features in the Bind menu. Does adjusting these settings help with your targeting issues?
yes it`s better now I can tweak it to my preferred style. Now I have at minimum basic understanding of targeting mechanic. Knowledge is power. Will have to try it in action but idea itself is already great step forward.
Thank you

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