PLEASE fix the Detonate Dead bug that occurs during rituals

This is a consistent problem. I am a DD blood mage. When activating the ritual, detonate dead will NOT cast most of the time. It is extremely frustrating that I can spam the skill, my character waves her wand around, but nothing happens. I rely upon the skill for spell vamp to stay alive, and considering that you're trapped in a tiny area and swarmed, it's instant death if the spell does not cast.

It's a waste of time and experience. Please fix it soon, GGG!
Last edited by SamuraiChicken#0332 on Feb 9, 2025, 2:37:33 PM
Last bumped on Feb 17, 2025, 11:42:25 AM
Bump for visibility. This is still a problem.
SPECIFICALLY during the "tornado" ritual, it happens far less during the other types.

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