Zalmarath the Colossus is really bugged

Hi this boss fight has the following bugs:
1) all consoles -bow skills that cause movement can jump you off the edge, and then jump back up where the ground is broken in stage 2 and 3. Really tripping if it happens twice or more in 1 fight. Either you fall off and die or don't let us fall off.
2) ps5 - Melee minions fail to attack, but target him in stage 2 and 3 of the fight, probably due to the terrain change.
3) all consoles- in stage 2 and 3, projectiles fall to below the boss, stopping chaining effects with lightning rod, as chain goes to the ground from the boss, but can't chain after that.
4)when the terrain collapses and you are on the the collapsing part, I'm sure you should die, sometimes if your on the edge you fall and tp back up. It should kill you or not let you fall.
Last bumped on Feb 10, 2025, 3:38:41 AM

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