please assign different buttons for these 2 different actions.

plz for the love of god assign another button to search box other then inspect tiers button while in inventory screen.

both of them are L3 at the moment.
i am so sick of activating searchbox while i try to check item tiers.

it has been 2 months plz.just assign diffent buttons for 2 different actions.

Last bumped on Feb 23, 2025, 8:32:15 PM
Totally agree most annoying thing L3 behavior

Currently finding myself holding R3 and then pressing L3. But its not ideal.

This is like my biggest problem in the game right now lol
I ended up switching L3 and R3 with the ps edge controller
Please change

Also, navigating into folders in your stash is kinda awkward with R3 and down or left. I think these commands should also be designated to specific buttons

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