Understanding attributes on statstacker

So I played this char up to level 91 and just tried a new tree.

I then changed back and to my surprise my dmg went down from 196 k to 181 just by not putting the exact same str/dex/int. I tried changing around some and currently at 188.

It seems very random sometimes it goes up changing and sometime it goes down.

Is there a pattern I miss or can I read an explanation of this anhywere more then what str dex int does ... I really would like my 196 k, or maybe higher, by doing it optimized.

Currently I have:
441 str
396 dex
528 int

Last edited by WoodkingHard#4366 on Feb 14, 2025, 5:02:56 PM
Last bumped on Feb 17, 2025, 7:22:50 AM
Read exactly what certain passive skills and gear attributes do. Because not each increases anything every 5 attributes.
If you have Hand of Wisdom and Action Furtive Wraps (and i assume you do), they increase attack speed every 25 dexterity, and lightning damage every 10 intelligence. So if you have 396 dexterity and 528 int, you are most likely getting increased tooltip DPS if you change one passive node from INT to DEX.

Additionally on passive tree you will have some nodes that are affected by dex/int/str, there is one that increases your attack speed based on your accuracy AND there is another one that increases your accuracy based on your dexterity.

So yeah, to simply put - explore the passive tree, read descriptions of what you have activated, and assuming you follow some build guides, try understanding what passive skills they have activated (and why).
Yeah, what Curtie said.

I would also add too, that some passives are contextual. A good example is evasion nodes. Some are active after being hit by enemies, other while on full health, etc. so you can pop open your character sheet at any given time in or out of combat and watch numbers change in real time.

I've just swapped my Acolyte to a HOWA/Regalia/2.09 attk spd crit staff build, so I'm still figuring out attributes and res balancing and stuff myself, but I do know from my Pathfinder build (all evasion/acro with 0 ES) that you have to pay close attention to contextual passives, because some seem like really great benefits, but the context in which they apply and are active sometimes makes them to much risk for the reward.

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