Skill Tree Busted. Keep getting the skill I didn't select (BUG)

When I get the chance to level up I go in the skill tree & I selected intelligence. But Strength upgrade instead. And no, it's not an upgrade where you can only pick Strength. I have the choice to pick between 3 skills, Strength,Dex,Intellengence to pick from when this happens. But after I select Intellengce I watch Strength go up. Every times this happens. When I didn't even select it. I select Dex & Strength goes up. What the hell is going on. So I guessing to level up Intellengce I have to pick dex lol. Come on guys. This has happened the EVERY time I upgraded. I can't use my armors because my intelligence is to low. But there's nothing I can do to raise due to this bug. I gues next time I level up I'll pick Dex to raise Intellengce. Second gripe I'm using Big Picture mode in Steam. And this game randomly just closes out. It's still running, I have to select icon to get back in the game. This happens every single day, along with the other bug. Nothing worse then this happening in the middle of a battle. It's like turn the screenm off in mid game. Thank you for listening. I hope this gets addressed soon.
Last bumped on Feb 18, 2025, 9:28:02 PM
I have the same problem with the skills on ps5.. can’t change any of items. I hope it will be fix soon because I’ve had it for about 3 weeks and can’t play…
Strange right before reading your message I was playing POE. And I looked at my 3 skill levels. And I was stock that all the numbers were all different. The problem was I would upgrade Intellengence but it would upgrade Strength. This happened over & over, but today my Intellengence was high as shit. I couldn't believe it. I had an update last night. So manybe dat did it. So hopefully the ps5 should be getting it squared away. One bug down a hundred more to go lol.

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