Several crashes since latest patch

Rarely had any crashes prior to most current patch. twice in 2 hours now.
Last bumped on Feb 17, 2025, 2:35:00 PM
+1 Same here
I came here to say the same thing. Twice since the patch, only a few times total since the release.
Same here, playing on Xbox. Several crashes post patch.
forgot to add on PC. Update: about 7-8 crashes now
Can confirm on PC as well. Game never once crashed on me, until right the patch today. Was playing for hours before just before the patch without issue, now it's every hour or so.
+1 Same issue
Same. Never crashed before today.
+1 за пару часов дважды вылетел
Lots of crashes after patch. Mostly when switching between stash tabs. I am on PC and using a controller.

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