Kalandra's Touch Ring - Own Enchant on KT is not Applying alongside Mirrored Ring

Hi All,

I managed to get a corrupted version of the Kalandra's Touch ring (which I thought was impossible) that has +9% To All Elemental Resists as a corrupted Enchant.

However, when equipping this ring it is not providing any bonus from the +9% To All Elemental Resists.

Test 1:
No Gear - No Rings
1. Equip Kalandra's Touch
2. Check Resists
Outcome = No Resists Gained.

Test 2:
No Gear - No Rings
1. Equip Kalandra's Touch
2. Equip Ring with +12 Dex Enchant
3. Check Resists and Attributes
Outcome = Gained +24 Dex and No Resists Gained.

I would really love for this to be fixed as it makes this unique ring even more unique due to how rare of a find this is. Cheers!
Last bumped on Feb 17, 2025, 5:31:54 AM
Unfortunately this isn't a bug but it is its intended mechanic ever since it was reintroduced as a global item drop back in PoE1. Reason why enchants/implicits don't work on Kalandra's touch ring itself is because the game treats it as if it were whatever ring you put on the other slot instead of itself.
Thanks for the reply Alingitz, I still believe this is a bug however. The item being equipped is still an action in the game that should apply the All Resists, then apply the stats of the mirrored Ring (in my opinion). I'll hopefully just wait for confirmation of this before I accept my fate haha.
It has been already confirmed though in a reddit red post 3 years ago. If you want to read more about it, here's the reddit post where Mark from GGG actually clarified it. https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/wm15x2/comment/ijxkwdm/

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