New Way Stone Stash Tab bugs

Hi There.

Just purchased brand new Way Stone stash tab and noticed a few bugs.

1. I have Stash tab opened with proper LVL selected and specific sub-tab opened. Ctrl-click on waystone in my inventory sends waystone to a different sub-tab. Usually it goes to the 1st sub-tab in the row, but some time destination is different.
I expect that waystone goes to the sub-tab that is currently opened/selected

2. I have Delirium Stash Tab with related checkbox.
The issue here is when I try to move Deliried Waystone from inventory using ctrl-click - it goes to Delirium tab.
I expect that waystone goes to Waystone Stash Tab when it opened, in priority.

Note that 'WayStone' checkbox is activated on the Stash Tab convig
Last bumped on Feb 17, 2025, 6:36:49 AM
Thank you,

I was moving my maps to the new tab using Ctrl-click and thought a bunch of them had just been poofed out of existence.

Thanks to this post I found them all in my delirium tab!

Definitely think this is a bug, delirious maps should follow the Waystone affinity.

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