(PS5) Points bought not showing up after 0.1.1d

Bought points this am for stash tabs. Not showing up. Tried to buy another set, still not showing up.
Last bumped on Feb 18, 2025, 5:01:18 AM
I have the same problem:/
Me also. Same thing…bought, Sony refunded and said try again. I tried again…no points.
I spoke to some people in chat and they are also having these issues on PS5.
For clarity's sake, you purchased points on PSN and you aren't seeing them in the in-game MTX shop on PS5?
Purchased through the in game MTX shop by selecting the map stash. Purchase routes through PSN.

Attempting buying points through in game MTX without clicking through map stash - still an issue.

Same thing
Can confirm this is an issue purchasing through in-game MTX and directly through PS Store.
same here :(

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