game constantiy crashing after last update

game is crashing every 10-20 min after the feb 16 update this is occuring on xbox not sure of other platforms, mostly happens up entering a map or during map progression
Last bumped on Feb 17, 2025, 2:45:15 PM
same here, many crashes recently
I have had crashes in the Trial of Sekemas when trying to scroll through the tabs. Would crash consistently on my flasks tab. In the swamp I’m crashing every time I attack a magic or rare monster. Crash in the towns when trying to tab through guild and personal stash and random tabs. On Xbox X console
Last edited by Sgt K USMC#8169 on Feb 17, 2025, 1:09:26 PM
On PC - link is an image to my rig stats -

Since last night's update (16/2/2025 1.1d) my game crashes every 5-10 min.

It is LAGGY AS HELL in maps. I mean, it looks like I'm playing with a strobe light on - THIS WAS NOT HAPPENING BEFORE UPDATE! Game was running smoothly

I tested it out, I do NOT lag/stutter in the chaos trial or anywhere in the campaign. IT IS ONLY IN MAPS.

Cor temps are fine, CPU and GPU are both reading at about 32.2C, which is perfect but my frames are allllllllllllllllllll over the freaking place when I use f1 to show me the graph. Something with the update last night really made it so I can't even play between the crashes and the lag.
Same here on Xbox while try to enter maps or while looking in my stash looking through stash tab on controller (give us an option to report bugs in game). Play ur xbox version of the game. Please for Love the of God 🤞
Last edited by GLOCK OG#8650 on Feb 17, 2025, 1:22:57 PM
Crashing on PC for me as well, it does it the very moment i move loot to my stash.
Constant crashes entering or leaving maps since the patch yesterday. Wasn't an issue before the patch.
I maybe expierienced 1 or 2 crashes in the whole early access of poe2, but ever since this patch hit im having constant crashes when loading into new areas or just alt-tabbing back into the game.
I join the thread, another one who crashes the game when trying to move through the inventory, I play from an xbox series x, plus for a few days now the drop from the ground disappears and it is impossible for me to pick up many things.
Good Afternoon:

Both my wife and I are running Alienware R12 (stock) with RX3080 graphic cards and all weekend when we are duo'ing any dungeon, the screen wide graphics of our spells causes her graphics card fan to ramp up...

...we also have been hitching, lagging and eventually disconnecting. This had never happened when we started playing and up until last week.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Thank you,

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