POE2 - Huge LAGs since the update of the MAP stash


Since the recent update my game LAG (to have a delay of 1 second between the click and the action realised) and it is amplified during breach mechanics or when the maps have an increase quantity of mobs etc.

Am I the only one?

Last bumped on Feb 24, 2025, 9:25:31 AM
Same for me, doesn't matter which Europe Realm I chose. They all have decent Pings (<25ms) but heavy lag spikes throughout maps, especially when bigger monster packs appear.

Before the Map Stash Tab Update I never experienced this.
Same going on 4 days
I can't play since the MAJ too many lags with downfall of FPS from 200 FPS to 30 FPS
Lot of post speaks about this bug. It's during since 2 weeks in EU serveur. Wake up please !

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