Bug with loot filter and "Goldcast Cuffs" FIX!

I think I found the issue with why Goldcast Cuffs by pass most loot filters. I'm pretty sure it has to do with any loot filter that has gold(currency) above the gloves part of the loot filter. I think the game seems to read the "Gold" in goldcast and thinks its the same as "Gold"(currency) and uses what ever you have the filter to show for gold for the cuffs too. I found putting in normal for the rarity for gold makes it still pick up gold and sorts the cuffs how i made mine.(I am assuming that normal goldcast cuffs will show up as gold but i have my gold and normal and magic items set up the same so it wont bother me anymore at least)
Hope this helps anyone!
Last bumped on Feb 20, 2025, 1:32:08 AM
You have to specify in the filter that the item “Gold” classified as Currency is “Currency”. Otherwise the situation you describe is likely to happen.

Class = "Stackable Currency" or just "Currency"
BaseType == "Gold"

Class "Gloves"
BaseType == "Goldcast Cuffs"
or like this...

Ignore the numbers that say “40”. These are IDE related
Last edited by onelory#3568 on Feb 20, 2025, 1:33:54 AM

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