Store Bug: Chaotic & Exalted Peddler Hideout Decorations Display Incorrect Colors/Names
Here’s what happened: A few weeks ago, I saw the Chaotic Peddler's Rain Hideout Decoration on sale in the store. It’s a hideout decoration, and the image showed the decoration in multiple colors like red, yellow, and white. However, my friend purchased this item and found that the actual decoration only had yellow colors.
Today, another decoration called Exalted Peddler's Rain Hideout Decoration is on sale. The image shows the decoration in yellow, but when my friend bought it, they found that the actual decoration had red, white, yellow, and other colors. At this point, I realized that you might have mixed up the names and appearances of these two styles. I really like the red, blue, and white version of the Chaotic Peddler's Rain Hideout Decoration, but now I have to purchase the Exalted Peddler's Rain Hideout Decoration at a higher price to get the decoration with multiple colors. Will this issue be fixed? If so, will the multi-colored decoration I already purchased be replaced with the yellow version that I don’t like? Last bumped on Feb 20, 2025, 8:30:22 AM