Detonate Mines / Automation bugged?

Send help, this is driving me mad.

I've tested this 5 times now, each time with more attack speed to verify it wasn't an attack speed breakpoint issue.

Worse yet, this last test, my mines didn't detonate at all... I have a clip on twitch showing 10+ mines at piety's feet, with the detonate skill being automated, constantly whirling it's way through cooldowns... BUT WITH ZERO DETONATIONS.

What is happening?

I saw Ben_ instaphase Piety with the power siphon locus mine and replicated it. Using the same passive tree (but with extra ias) and same gems/links. The only difference is that I have added lightning dmg, instead of weapon elemental damage.

I currently have MORE attack speed, cast speed and cooldown than he did at the time of his kill.
Last bumped on Feb 20, 2025, 2:07:26 PM
Locus Mine Support: Mines from Supported Skills can't be Detonated while within 3 metres of you
Well now... infuriating as that was, at least the answer is simple?

Thank you.

I must go wash my face of egg.

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