Lost my Necro Settler SSF tag, was I wrong to assume?

I migrated my SSF Necro Settlers character/stash today, since I want to keep playing.

But I found myself end up in Settlers League instead of SSF Settlers.

This doesn't make sense to me--I chose to play SSF because I want to keep being SSF after the event. So I should either be in SSF Standard or SSF Settlers, no?
Last bumped on Feb 21, 2025, 12:30:46 PM
Yep it told you so in the migration dialog. This is your fault :(

Normally characters get migrated automatically to their parent league but not sure why it takes so long this time. I already contacted support, but no response so far.

In your case, unfortunately, since you migrated manually and ignored the warning that this action cannot be undone, no one will be able to help you...
Migrating out of an SSF league puts you in the regular version of it before moving you out of the event, I'm pretty sure. And since that League was gone now, it probably then also expedited your migration out of the event as a whole.

You were in the process of being automatically migrated, and if you waited for a bit longer you would've ended up in SSF Settlers.

The automatic migration always takes a while because there's a lot of accounts to deal with.
So this is just a lesson learned for me? Because I didn't see ANY indicators of the auto-miwgration happening soon nor any sort of explanation.

This is my first time limited event. All I saw was a character I'd played for awhile was gone, and I wanted to keep playing right now. So I clicked the migration (twice, actually, from SSF NS to NS, and from NS to S).

I'm not trying to shift the blame out of myself--I'm an idiot for not reading before pressing migration button.

But I really hope this can be addressed more explicitly in the future.

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