So thoughts on console release so far???
Just curious whats everyone thoughts so far........ still see the same issues and complaints so far and nothing fixed either........ first few weeks fun, got to end game, things began to freeze or stut the strut with certain maps and than co op still well not good........ so still same issues lol... hope everyones year is going good....
"You can't make everyone happy. You're not an avocado." Last bumped on Feb 23, 2025, 9:22:13 PM
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GGG tailoring to their PC crowd first as usual. They forget the console players are far more of us than PC players ever thought. Yet we play second place.....
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Standard gameplay is actually pretty good. Autoaim has quirks since you cannot aim certain spells without a mouse. However, the main issue is that simple quality of life options are completely missing. Almost like they never played a console game.
Something easy as kb/mouse integration, ZOOMING IN (hi people play on 85" tvs nowdays), and text size (barely readable without 20/20 vision) options are completely still terrible. Inventory management is a nightmare. Upgrades 1) They fixed the being stuck when you die in the Trials Issues 1) Cannot zoom in <-----This is HUGE on a console....we need at least a 25% zoom in function 2) Cannot sort any window (We should at least be able to sort 1 box items like waystones or gems) 3) Store is currently broken and points shop doesn't load 4) Minimap fog of war dissapearing issue has come back worse than before 5) Need better shortcuts to move items into spots on the stash. Clicking 14 times is not an option. Obvious fix is to allow for mouse/keyboard control WITHOUT need to switch settings. It's been done in plenty of games, it's 2025, ggg should be able to implement mouse/kb companion controls 6) No text options. Console on a large TV = tiny text, poor font size ***** HUGE ISSUE****** 7) Cannot tell Rares apart on screen unless they have an aura. I don't care how elitist your one dev from the interviews is, the rares should be highlighted or have a name above their heads or a circle or SOMETHING. You CANNOT see them in a pack on console. |
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