Game Unplayable; Constant Crashes and Log Outs

Title says it all. I logged in to play just for a little tonight and have crashed or been ejected from the game close to a dozen times.

Tried different servers, no luck. Latency spikes all over the place. I'm hardwired; in POE2 my latency almost never goes above 30. Here? Tonight I was lucky if it was double digits for more than a minute.

It's absolutely unplayable. Everytime you get force logged out or crashed, you lose a portal. Constant rubber banding = pretty much guaranteed death. With death = 10% exp loss, it's damn near impossible to make any progress.

In all my years I've played, all the various seasons I've joined -- I've never, EVER seen anything like this, GGG. Crashes on the first day or two? Sure. But they always get patched. Are you guys even trying to fix this? Because it doesn't seem like it from my perspective.
Last bumped on Feb 26, 2025, 9:48:57 PM
In all my years I've played, all the various seasons I've joined -- I've never, EVER seen anything like this, GGG. Crashes on the first day or two? Sure. But they always get patched.

My assumption is that this technically isn't a bug. This is probably people going overboard with the tools that the Phrecia ascendancies grant.

Any "fix" will probably come in the form of nerfing the Ascendancies themselves, or other aspects of the game.
It absolutely is technically a bug.

Any implementation of a feature that can't hold up in the typical usage of your application and causes that application to crash, frequently, is a bug.

It means you didn't account for something -- you have a memory leak, or you have a value that can increment too high and then roll over to a negative number and suddenly being negative causes calculations to return improper values that crash. Implementation of a feature that takes more calculation power than the server can handle at load (which I'm guessing isn't very high load at this point) is itself, by definition, a bug.

I've never known a company (and I've worked in many including the MMO industry) that would think this many reports of this constant of crashing was acceptable. If it was hard for them to reproduce in order to fix, then at the least they would post about it to their users to say "We know about this, we are trying to figure it out and fix it, here's what you can do to get us more information" -- something, ANYTHING to acknowledge they're aware and are trying to fix it.

But this? This is just radio silence so far as I can see.
I'm still experiencing this same issue which started after the last update offering the premium nap tab... now anytime I access the stash, my game hard crashes. Can't play the game now...

Was hoping f9r a fix in this update today, but nothing.

I play on xbox x.

I have trouble Shot everything with no luck.

Just sucks...guess I'm going back to diablo 4

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