Suggestion and fix requests from a father who plays couch co-op with his son

this is going to be a list of things i feel need fixing, mostly focused on couch co-op but including general fixes (to note, we play on a PS5).

things that NEED to be fixed:
-when doing quests with a lower level character there are several quests that are just broken if the higher level character has completed them already (usually requires logging out and logging in solo with the lower level character to complete)
-both trials can not be done as a couch co-op
-the hooded one is UN-interactable with in act 1
-finding the message on the dead body in act 3 (body cant be found)
-interacting with the travel map in act 2, sometimes new travel nodes wont appear
-the very beginning of act 3 until you reach the encampment
-the encampment is bugged for most of act 3 (players spawn in an unmovable position)
-cant click on the later to sacrifice the heart in act 3
-once in end game maps you should be able to make the higher level character the party leader, having the lower level character messes with the map interaction
-if one of the players die in end-game maps, most of the events become impossible to interact with (rituals wont open or start, cant set explosives in expedition, cant interact with strongboxes, cant leave the map and return because the other player is revived and cant re-enter the map (can fix this if you get rid of the absolutely dumb 1 death per map limitation)
_delirium and breach maps don't drop splinters (and maybe even more delirium and breach specific loot) when running the maps in couch co-op)

general suggestion:
-after you whisper a player the messages should default back to "general chat"
-get rid of the damn 1 death per map limit, having the 6 portal limit and the massive loss in xp has always been enough punishment, and if you're playing couch co-op the portal limit is reduced to 3 because both players must travel when using portals and it uses a portal for each player.
-add a voice chat for parties. running maps over and over get boring and adding a in game voice chat will make the game more fun
-Increase the carrying capacity of loot by at least double, and i have a fun lore friendly way of doing it: add A big Quasimod type NPC that carries a huge bag and follows you around picking up the stuff you click on. because lets be honest, it makes no sense for your character to be carrying around 3 suits of armour, a couple boots, an extra bow and still be able to move around and fight. and no one is having fun sorting through the stuff they picked up in the middle of a map or making multiple trips back to the hide out.
- I also feel like there should be some mana cost balance. it feels like i have a really hard time keeping my mana up even with "mana on kill" and "mana steal" gear equipped, as an archer and a monk. i don't know if that is intended but it feels bad and clunky to play, constantly having to hit a mana potion that barely does anything. i feel one possible solution would be to get rid of "mana on kill" and replace it with "mana on hit". I'd do the same with "life on kill" too, just have "life on hit" but raise the base numbers up.
- i think there should be an option for player, where they can select between the standard map overlay you get when you hit the map button, and the map you get when you click on a check point (but with out being able to travel obviously) I personally like the check point map way more and find the standard overlay distracting and not helpful.

Despite all my suggestion, i do love this game. the only thing on this list that i can see making me quit the game if its not changed, is the 1 death per map limit. For the love of god, please remove it.

I will add to this as i come up with more things, and if anyone reading this also has run into issues please feel free to comment on them.
Last edited by D_Ka5per#9514 on Mar 8, 2025, 9:17:44 AM
Last bumped on Mar 1, 2025, 9:58:32 AM

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