Eternal Struggle Malignant Madness not applying

I'm playing as a scavenger, using flicker strike. I have this eternal struggle amulet:
Item Class: Amulets
Rarity: Unique
The Eternal Struggle
Onyx Amulet
Level: 61
Item Level: 81
+8% chance to Suppress Spell Damage (implicit)
17% increased Chaos Damage (implicit)
+38 to Strength
+44 to Dexterity
+28 to Intelligence
15% increased Global Defences
Critical Strikes inflict Malignant Madness if The Eater of Worlds is dominant
Kill Enemies that have 15% or lower Life on Hit if The Searing Exarch is dominant
Simply the way it must be, so that existence may be.
Searing Exarch Item
Eater of Worlds Item

The +8% chance to Suppress Spell Damage is exceptional and eater of worlds, the 17% chaos damage is lesser and searing exarch. As such Malignant Madness should be applied on critical strike. My character literally has 100% critical strike chance and it never applies Malignant Madness.
Last bumped on Mar 1, 2025, 1:00:10 PM

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