Yet again still no fix for infernal hound while in demon form

After 2 months of saying it's a known issue and still not been fixed this is ruining my whole F**** experience. WHEN WILL THIS ISSUE BE ADDRESSED, everything else under the sun has been messed with but this. I've been waiting months to finally play again ( no I'm not making a new character, I paid to play MY way)

Ascendance skill Infernal hellhound does not spawn when activating the aura on weapon set one or two while in demon form.

It does however work when I'm not in demon form on weapon set 1.

I don't think this is intended. I've seen some posts on PC where they say use the mouse to enable it and plug back in the controller, but since Im on console we can't do this and it feels like I wasted a point in this skill for no reason. I see a lot of people on YouTube using the hound WHILE in demon form so I don't think this issue was intended.

Can this stop getting ignored, it's becoming a waste of ascension points for people that play demon form on Xbox.
Last bumped on Mar 7, 2025, 1:09:16 PM

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