Please map buttons according to POE1

There was yet again a change to button which is not POE1. The LS to show item tiers was moved to RS. I understand it was overlapping with the search button but we did have LS + left on dpad for search. Why can't we have the exact same mapping as POE1? POE2 is the new game and it should be better instead it feels like it takes longer to do things. We on the Xbox have LS to show item tiers.
Last bumped on Mar 8, 2025, 11:53:49 AM
The entire button layout for inventory management is so wrong it feels like it was designed by someone who's never played PoE1 with a controller (it wouldn't surprise me if this was actually the case). Switching to PoE1 for Phrecia and coming back a few days later was disorienting and messy and just felt awful. I understand combat is different so those changes are fine to me, but krangling inventory buttons is a baffling mistake that should have been noticed and fixed well before the game went into EA.

If this isn't addressed, trying to switch between games for each new league is going to be utterly miserable. But at the same time, PoE2 brought new players that didn't play PoE1 and won't even notice this unless it gets fixed, which means that what we actually need is the option to switch between "PoE2 Classic" and "PoE1" control schemes, otherwise a whole lot of console (and a few PC) players are going to be confused and annoyed.
Senyth#8112 wrote:
The entire button layout for inventory management is so wrong it feels like it was designed by someone who's never played PoE1 with a controller (it wouldn't surprise me if this was actually the case). Switching to PoE1 for Phrecia and coming back a few days later was disorienting and messy and just felt awful. I understand combat is different so those changes are fine to me, but krangling inventory buttons is a baffling mistake that should have been noticed and fixed well before the game went into EA.

If this isn't addressed, trying to switch between games for each new league is going to be utterly miserable. But at the same time, PoE2 brought new players that didn't play PoE1 and won't even notice this unless it gets fixed, which means that what we actually need is the option to switch between "PoE2 Classic" and "PoE1" control schemes, otherwise a whole lot of console (and a few PC) players are going to be confused and annoyed.

Agreed. They could also give us the option of custom mapping that might help too. But I can live with control schemes as well. Just give us something.

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