Cast While Channeling + Aukuna's Will

I have Aukuna's Will (treats my zombies as corpses). Whenever I add "Cast while channeling support" gem to any spell, that channeled spell automatically destroy my zombies and deal damage to me. I tried several spell, even tried adding no spell and leaving the skill unlinked, and yet, my zombies keep getting exploded and I take damage from those explosions.

So, the bug is: Channeled skill + Cast While Channeling Support + Aukuna's Will.

It is not as if a slotted spell does it, but instead some strange interaction with gloves and Cast While Channeling Support gem.
Last bumped on Mar 11, 2025, 8:02:33 PM
Make your character public.
seaman#4993 wrote:
Make your character public.

Should be public now.

Tested without gloves and so on: Cast While Channeling Support seems to randomly damage and kill my character while channeling Cyclone regardless of gear.
The body armour you have Cyclone in, Bloodbond, grants a skill. Because that skill is a spell, it is being supported--and thus being cast--when you socket Cast While Channing Support into it.

Consumes a corpse, and sacrifices a portion of your life, granting your minions life regeneration based on the life sacrificed, and a bonus to damage.

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