Things that need change in pvp

Curses - reduce their effectiveness, having to use thief's torment sometimes is stupid
Leech, life on hit - disable
Flask swapping - first time you swap flasks, they should autofill like in town
Crits (Suggestion at least 50% effectiveness of anything above 150%)
Status ailments - disable shock freeze and burn, leave chill
RF - this is retarded, do something, I dont have suggestions tho sorry
EA - do something about the walls thing
CWDT / stunned - give massive cooldown for pvp only or remove effect for the dmg dealers in pvp, its VERY stupid (
Traps / mines - again balance for pvp pls

At least like this pvp should be more enjoyable

+1 if you give a crap, well even if you dont XD
Your entire list is pretty much a non issue, seriously. I do feel you should be able to swap flasks at the start of a match prior to the first round and have them full, not empty. Criticals I could agree with aswell, id also suggest disabling conversion trap in pvp. Its a pussy troll skill thats highly exploitable.
IGN: MullaXul
MullaXul wrote:
Your entire list is pretty much a non issue, seriously. I do feel you should be able to swap flasks at the start of a match prior to the first round and have them full, not empty. Criticals I could agree with aswell, id also suggest disabling conversion trap in pvp. Its a pussy troll skill thats highly exploitable.

you dont mind RF? and the fact a molten shell / ek combo with cwdt can just wreck you with the other player doing nothing at all? interesting.
ancalagon3000 wrote:
MullaXul wrote:
Your entire list is pretty much a non issue, seriously. I do feel you should be able to swap flasks at the start of a match prior to the first round and have them full, not empty. Criticals I could agree with aswell, id also suggest disabling conversion trap in pvp. Its a pussy troll skill thats highly exploitable.

you dont mind RF? and the fact a molten shell / ek combo with cwdt can just wreck you with the other player doing nothing at all? interesting.

Both examples are indeed fucking stupid and true, sure. But I've overcome them enough to not have it bother me. I doubt id be able to deal with it as a different character though.
IGN: MullaXul
Your entire list is nonsense. There are solutions to every challenge you listed. They are challenges. Not problems.
itzbxradz wrote:
Your entire list is nonsense. There are solutions to every challenge you listed. They are challenges. Not problems.

Thanks for your feedback I guess

@Mullaxul: OK fair enough, I would say the ones that really need fixing are crits - RF - traps/mines - multiple curses - cwdt - flasks

I'm not saying these things cannot be countered for the most part, just that pvp would be more enjoyable and 'balanced', whatever the hell that means.
I heard rumors of a RF balance. Criticals are why EK/Molten are so overpowered, so toning down multiplier effectiveness would solve that for the most part. Traps/mines that aren't conversion trap trolling are a pain in the ass BUT, they are dealt with by sweeping the area with arc/roa/any similiar skill...its an honest match. Not nearly as fucked up and blatently broken as RF or critical EK/Molten. Cwdt, sure gem imo shouldn't of even been implemented but it opened up a nice meta for pvp. It sucks that you have to basically use it yourself to keep things semi-even though on most builds. Id much rather be using a 4l for better utility then cwdt.
IGN: MullaXul
Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Jan 11, 2014, 9:11:05 AM
"Curses - reduce their effectiveness, having to use thief's torment sometimes is stupid"

what is wrong with a warding flask? You can get 20sec immunity 3 times if you roll it right!

(I am still trying to roll that warding)

"Crits (Suggestion at least 50% effectiveness of anything above 150%)"

Spells are weak in pvp. If the crit multiplier would be nerfed for pvp then all spells (other than ek) would be even worse and totally unable to kill anyone that built semi tanky. Spells need the crits for scaling. Making all spells suck even more just because phys melee builds can die to 2 spells should not be an option.

"Status ailments - disable shock freeze and burn, leave chill"

I don't understand that one either. You want to remove the 2 "weak" ones and the one everyone is immune to while leaving the really annoying slow from chill?

"Traps / mines - again balance for pvp pls"

Traps and mines are easy to counter and they force you to play reactive trying to out smart your opponent. Not just run up to each other and see how can smash the other one in the face the hardest.

I also fail to understand what your problem with life leach.
Last edited by Grildrak#3477 on Jan 11, 2014, 11:43:39 AM
Grildrak wrote:
"Curses - reduce their effectiveness, having to use thief's torment sometimes is stupid"

what is wrong with a warding flask? You can get 20sec immunity 3 times if you roll it right!

(I am still trying to roll that warding)

"Crits (Suggestion at least 50% effectiveness of anything above 150%)"

Spells are weak in pvp. If the crit multiplier would be nerfed for pvp then all spells (other than ek) would be even worse and totally unable to kill anyone that built semi tanky. Spells need the crits for scaling. Making all spells suck even more just because phys melee builds can die to 2 spells should not be an option.

"Status ailments - disable shock freeze and burn, leave chill"

I don't understand that one either. You want to remove the 2 "weak" ones and the one everyone is immune to while leaving the really annoying slow from chill?

"Traps / mines - again balance for pvp pls"

Traps and mines are easy to counter and they force you to play reactive trying to out smart your opponent. Not just run up to each other and see how can smash the other one in the face the hardest.

I also fail to understand what your problem with life leach.

All good points you raise man :) Thanks for being constructive

Doesnt the warding effect disappear if you stop recovering mana? Who has 2k mana to recover after auras, not to mention all the BM builds?

Crit multi can go really high man - and I think 50% is still very decent. I was actually more concerned about physical crit builds, rather than spell builds.

The problem with life leech is the vaal pact physical builds mainly. Life leech was disabled in both d2 and d3 pvp too, for good reasons.

I think once pvp gets established, life recovery outside of regen should be bm. And regen should be capped too, something like 10% if <4k es / hp, and if 8k, for example, 5%. I think the community should set up its own rules like d2 had bm/gm for 1n1 and tvt
Last edited by ancalagon3000#6581 on Jan 11, 2014, 11:56:11 AM
Theres a meta revolving around life leech. Who has it, who can be leeched from etc.. I think its a good thing. Regeneration is absolutely necessary and vs degen like RF/Puncture it isn't even enough so I wouldn't argue it needs to be nerfed. As for spells in pvp, hes right the other spells rely so heavily on criticals thats just how it was intended. EK on the other hand is strong without just by design, but really it too needs criticals to shine in pvp. To not ruin any chance spell casters have in pvp id just tone down EK's base damage a tad. But ingeneral stand alone EK is pretty ass vs a good player you need to synergize it with Molten shells +++ to make it viable. On the subject of Molten shell, this skill needs to be nerfed A. damage reduce OR B. cool down OR C. no critical chance. You should go into every match with warding flasks aswell, that too is a meta game of its own. Do I burn my flasks or do I deal with it? 50-50s like that are legit, similar to the trap situation. Ones where you kill yourself in 1hit just from going near someone aren't. Ailments also require gear checks/flasks/tree commitments which are very good things for pvp.
IGN: MullaXul

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