Can we get a Races glossary?

I would like to start doing races, but honestly it's very confusing to figure out what kinds of events are actually happening. There seem to be many races where unless I'm a super-optimized veteran, I have no chance of winning anything. There also seem to be some races where I can get 1-2 points for not sucking too hard, getting a few levels without dying.

I've read the recommended Races guide (and the one on reddit), and though they explain a lot of the terms and words, they aren't complete or easy to find. For example I couldn't find anything that explains what an "Endless Ledge" is.

So my request is this: a page on the regular website that lists all the special terms and acronyms used for Race events, all in one place. I shouldn't have to dig through forum posts or end up on reddit to find out the basics of races.

As an additional suggestion: could there be some more noob-friendly races with toned-down rewards. Maybe they could only be available to accounts with low-level characters, or accounts with a maximum hours-played, something like that? I want to try races, but the feeling that I am competing with people to can get to level 100 in a week is not a very good one.

Races should be challenging. You have you challenge your playing abilities and your build. Perfect it and progress, its quite rewarding.

As for more info on races, while I agree some could have more information posted on what each race is, there are other ways to find out what the race is like. You could youtube a video of endless ledge to see a play through of it or simply do the race and learn as you go. That might not be the most efficient way to start but learning for yourself is how I always approach things and it makes it much more rewarding in the end.

For the race terms, there is a post explaining what each race mod

Scroll down a bit..

Last edited by terrex#7466 on Jan 14, 2014, 3:33:50 PM
Endless ledge, descent champions and descent (absent this season) events are all noob-friendly as they dont require your character to be alive at the end of the race to receive points. The fun-labeled races also have random draws for alt-art items at the end.
IGN: KoTao
Good catch about EL not being explained anywhere, that should definitely be linked in the Race Info thread linked in every race.

Endless Ledge
Descent: Champions
Phrecia: 92 Scavenger
P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon
PoE character archive: view-thread/963707
SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97
HC: 96 (dead)
jfcaron wrote:
As an additional suggestion: could there be some more noob-friendly races with toned-down rewards. Maybe they could only be available to accounts with low-level characters, or accounts with a maximum hours-played, something like that? I want to try races, but the feeling that I am competing with people to can get to level 100 in a week is not a very good one.

i can only imagine how many "veterans" would create alt accounts just to fuck up with this kind of races

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