[VOD] DC Ranger Run to 26 and Duelist Signature Race

Here's one of today's DCs of a ranger hitting 26. I wish I recorded the other one as it was a much smoother race.

Fairly average race overall regarding items, packs (except in the last two halls where they were very good) and my own skill level. I typically play more aggressive, but I was meek due to slumping lately because of chain-deysnc deaths in other races.



Duelist 85 min Fixed Seed Run

This should've been a #1 run, but got really poor blues density in docks.

Anyway, I'm going to put it up seeing as I recorded it, and am probably going to record a few more things and put them in here in the future. Being able to stream would make life so much easier...

Last edited by boof#2056 on Apr 13, 2014, 1:13:02 AM
Who is our man? Boof is our man!
I was surprised to see the loot toggle and no hp bars, i think there are occasions where you shoot RoA an extra time because of that. But if it works for you, thats fine :)

Thanks for posting.
stronk ranger
CT should be around the art of PKing and not griefing lower levels.
terrex wrote:
Who is our man? Boof is our man!


I was surprised to see the loot toggle and no hp bars, i think there are occasions where you shoot RoA an extra time because of that

I used to be a lot more efficient with my roa back when I played ranger and before ST took over. I've noticed it myself that I overshoot. It's not really the lack of hp bars, just me derping.
Like I said, it was a pretty average display of skill from my part.
Last edited by boof#2056 on Apr 10, 2014, 2:00:54 PM
what game is this
Those split arrow strats..
so glad you don't play scion.
IGN: thejarmo
Pretty decent gear.

I guess most of my problem is that I don't roll items or ID most rares. I figured it was cause I was going Point Blank, but clearly Point Blank is very usable.
TheuberClips wrote:

I guess most of my problem is that I don't roll items or ID most rares.

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