Mict's stream builds/info!
My main PoE builds!
twitch.tv/mict_ If anyone has any questions feel free to ask here or preferably while I'm streaming so I can give an immediate answer. I can be as in depth as you would like, just please be considerate if I'm in the middle of a map. I will gladly take 20 minutes to explain a build, but I will always finish the map/boss runs I'm doing first.
Searing Touch Crit Flameblast Templar
*Idea taken from Mors (from his 1-week Nem race build), then modified for searing touch among other changes (including 1.1).* 5L: flameblast + chance to ignite + ele prolif + fire penetration + increased burning damage
if you can get BBBBR you would probably use faster casting over inc. burning damage. I got used to the low cast speed from not having faster casting, and I have a lot of cast speed on the tree so I decided to use inc burning instead of faster casting.
6L: flameblast + chance to ignite + ele prolif + faster casting + fire penetration + increased burning damage/conc. effect (only with carcass jack). I was using Flameblast + Iron will + ele prolif + chance to ignite + fire penetration because I got 3 linked red on my carcass jack (RRRBB) and really didn't feel like burning 100 more chromes to get RBBBB (flameblast + chance to ignite + ele prolif + faster casting + fire pen/burning damage), BUT then I got a 5-linked searing touch, so I have the 5L listed above.
Normal: Help Oak
Cruel: Kill all (OR help Alira for cast speed) Merciless: Kill all
Pillar of the Caged God Sweep Duelist
*Idea taken from Hegemony* 5L: sweep + multistrike + melee physical damage + added fire + faster attacks. Check Hege's channel for his item selection Highlights are carnage heart, meginord's girdle, belly of the beast, lioneye's paws. I just added meginord's vise because of the attack speed buff, and 100 str is retardedly good for PotCG.
Normal: Help Oak
Cruel: Help Oak Merciless: Help Oak
I would love to have the above 5L but I couldn't get RRRRG, I kept getting a blue socket so I decided to use increased aoe instead. Eventually you want to use manual cast enduring cry+immortal call and get some buff duration nodes for long immortal calls. Also vaal cyclone is nice =)
Quillrain Cast on Crit Ethereal Knives Duelist
5L: barrage + Cast on crit + EK + EK + added fire (use surgeon's flasks!!). Considering getting doom cast for the extra EK crits. Obviously any crit modifiers for gear are excellent. life gain on hit is also very nice on gear as I'm not running any kind of life gain or leech and rely entirely on regen and flasks.
Normal: Help Oak
Cruel: Help Oak (% physical damage buffs EK) Merciless: Kill all OR Help Alira (ONLY if you're planning on using power charges).
Boring Generic Spectral Throw Ranger
This build taken from my friend HippoPizza, it's safe as hell, boring as hell, but guaranteed to get you to level 80 with no problems. I'm cruising through high level maps at level 82 with abyssus and 1 granite. Also without CWDT. Without abyssus you basically can't die except to desync or retarded decisions. 5L: double strike + melee physical damage + added fire + faster attacks + increased critical damage. If you wanted to make spectral your main DPS, you can get ballistic mastery and start with the projectile nodes rather than the crappy ev/life nodes. then your 5L would be spectral, LMP, phys proj attack damage + faster attacks + added fire. Standard crit/phys damage equipment is best. BoR might be better than abyssus if you're having issues tanking, but honestly I don't have the best armor on my gear and I'm doing fine in high level maps. Might change when i get to 75+ maps.
Normal: Help Oak
Cruel: Help Oak Merciless: Kill all OR Help Alira (ONLY if you are going to use power charges) OR Help Oak (ONLY if you are going to use endurance charges i.e. manual casting immortal call. Otherwise 1 point is better).
Low Life Flicker Shadow
Cheap version of the very expensive (but extremely powerful) pain attunement + crown of eyes + shav's low life build. For my build I am using a 6-linked solaris lorica (first 6-link ever HYPE!!!!!!) and prism guardian. 5L: flicker strike + multistrike + melee splash + melee physical + increased crit damage 6L: flicker strike + multistrike + melee splash + melee physical + increased crit damage + added fire(additional accuracy with quality is better than added fire here) auras on shield (blood magic): discipline, hatred, wrath auras on boots (reduced mana): grace, purity of lightning I am using thief's torment for mana, prism guardian for auras to achieve low life, solaris lorica to not die to blood rage/other chaos damage, rainbowstrides for resist+move speed+spell block+ES. The rest of my gear is just standard good stuff with tons of ES, minor resists (i get a ton from the tree + thief's torment + prism guardian), and crit/damage on amulet.
Normal: Kill all (Or 8% all res from Kraityn. I chose the point).
Cruel: Help Oak Merciless: Help Kraityn/Alira (tough choice here, I went with +1 frenzy from Kraityn, but it's up to you).
2-Week Crit Trapper
Having never done a trapper before, I can't give much insight about this build (It is Terrex's build, by the way). If you have any questions I will try my best to answer them.
Old/Retired Builds for Various Reasons
Oro's Sacrifice Flicker Duelist (Tentative)
*Tentative plan for the build while I try to figure out how to optimize the build for 1.1. The tree is updated for 1.1 but I'm unsure if it's the best/most efficient.* *Idea by HippoPizza* 5L: flicker strike + multistrike + chance to ignite + ele prolif + weapon elemental damage. Unfortunately I don't have the gear to make this build work for me. My fire damage just isn't enough to make the ignites murder everything, plus I end up flickering 20 screens away. Fun as hell though. Ideally I would use a 6L oro's with Kaom's heart and essentially stacking ele damage or fire damage on as many other gears as possible. Berek's Pass and Respite both seem pretty excellent for the build.
Cyclone Cast on Crit Discharge Witch
*Currently editing/fine tuning the build with the elem/spell damage buffs in 1.1* 5L: cyclone + cast on crit + life leech + discharge + increased critical strikes. 6L: cyclone + cast on crit + life leech + discharge + enduring cry + increased critical strikes. (above 6L is assuming you do NOT have voll's devotion. Also you swap out crit chance for power charge on crit without voll's protector in the 6L). Voll's protector is pretty sick on this build but it makes you crazy frail when you start mapping. I don't have good CI gear though so it's pretty slow going. Ideally I'd use a sick ES/spell crit shield, spell damage+spell crit dagger (platinum kris is ideal), maligaro's, rainbowstrides, possibly rat's nest, and a standard epic ES/res chest, might consider using carcass jack if i could get a 6L one. The build is on hiatus for now due to having to steal every piece of gear and every other gem for my flicker shadow. Not enough high ES gear to go around sadly.
Normal: Kill all or help Alira
Cruel: Kill all Merciless: Help Alira
Dual Strike Elemental Dagger Shadow
Sort of an experimental build. Lots of travel time around the tree, but Scion's start is garbage so Shadow is definitely the best for this build. Duelist ends up with just about the same stats if you prefer that class. 5L: dual strike + multistrike + weapon elemental damage + melee splash + increased critical damage / increased critical strikes (depending on where you are in the tree and your gear. if you have all the crit chance stuff, get crit multi.) Ideally I would use Berek's Grip and as many other elemental buffs I can find, or crit stuff (maligaro's, rats nest, gifts, etc). I am currently using alpha's so I can run grace+wrath+anger and still have mana. I eventually need to address my life/mana issues because I want to stop using life gain on hit and start doing mad deeps with WED gem. Also using mana leech to sustain dual striking, would swap that for faster attacks or make it a blue slot and use 20% added lightning, or the crit damage/crit chance gems. All depends on how it feels to me and my gear. Q: Why not get nightstalker and from the shadows? You also get bloodthirst! A: I've done the math repeatedly, going off to the left side via the duelist area is much better because of the insane disemboweling and deadly precision clusters (140% crit chance and 120% crit chance respectively), as well as leading you into tons of the best HP nodes in the game in the templar area (including holy strength which I cannot fit into the tree). Q: Shouldn't you get unwavering as a melee character, as well as more HP? A: Yea. but Yolo... and I don't have enough points. I am considering getting rid of the elemental nodes in the templar area and getting defensive stuff instead, If i run into issues. That would include unwavering, the 2 aura nodes right next to it, and the HP cluster under duelist. Q: There is so much traveling Scion would really be better, wouldn't it? A: No, because she has waaaaayyyyy too many wasted nodes. attack speed nodes are really not needed at all and you end up burning 9 points just to get to the main highway between shadow and ranger. the life cluster is god-awful now and you don't need phys damage so that's pretty trash. If you really really wanted to do scion you could go through the ele res nodes and get sentinel and connect on the strength side between duelist and marauder, but it's just bad. shadow start has 2 wasted nodes of dex, duelist would have 2 wasted nodes of dual wield PHYSICAL damage (which is useless for the build). even Templar would be a better start than Scion. Come join me at: Twitch.tv/Mict_ Last edited by Mictlantecuitli#3497 on Jun 7, 2014, 3:13:13 PM
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Come join me at: Twitch.tv/Mict_
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