Hacked Accounts
" When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
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Hello Path of Exile admins.
Two days ago (and yesterday) I have send you an email about that my account was stolen. Somebody from China (I am from Poland) took my password and login and first changed mail address than changed a password. This account is: deathmarti. I had there lvl 68 scion and 2 or 3 more characters. Today I see that somebody is playing on that account and have lvled my scion to lvl 72. I don't like this situation and I want my account back. I don't care about items on this account. If you cant give me back my account please erase it, because i don't want to see that somebody is playing on my account without my permission. Please send me an email or pm me on this account. You can check the ip that it changed from Poland ip to some other (I think to china ip). I was playing very long time on this account and I want to get it back. With regards (from other account because I cant login to stolen acc) deathmarti Last edited by hackedacc#5422 on Dec 6, 2013, 1:36:41 PM
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ScrotieMcB you clearly seem to be missing the very obvious detection of a hacked account.
As demostrated by the above poster - A changed IP from one country to a completely different country is a very good indicator that the account is hacked. Not only that but in-game chat / PMs can also be checked over by GGG. Even if the player was to use an off-site forum to sell their gear, the soul bind restore only returns the player equipment. No currency items (orbs) are restored. GGG can see where the items go. So if Player_A trades all his gear to Player_B. Player A claims he gets hacked to ask for restore. GGG restores to soul bind state. (No currency is restored!) GGG flags both Player_A and Player_B. (+ any other accounts which interact with the 'hacked' account) If player B suddenly trades currency back to Player A (or Player_A gets a massive "donation" from random account - both get shut down) It becomes reasonable to assume collusion between both parties and to eliminate both accounts. The above is just one example of how GGG could detect and eliminate those who RMT. |
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" In this post, a user tries to get revenge on deathmarti for something bad they did during gameplay. Last edited by darkcoug#7799 on Dec 6, 2013, 2:44:49 PM
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" Although if he indeed did send an email to support, his story is easily verifiable. GGG just wouldn't delete or hand over an account. LOL "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln |
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They should not be wasting time on restoring accounts, spend that time to implement a 2-step verification process and be done with it. If they start restoring accounts, its a path that is never ending and will grow in size as time goes on.
In the mean-time, since in order to get into your account, they have to know both your game and email passwords, get an email account that can utilize 2-step verification(gmail and yahoo are examples) and then even if they get your passwords, the only thing they can do is lock your account because they will not be able to get into your email without the authenticator(google has a free one for smart phones) |
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" They also offer authentication codes via text for those (like me) that still carry dumb phones. |
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Nice, didn't know that.
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I had my account hack and he was right the mid range accounts are hit more than anything else my friend and i have two mid 40's characters were hit but my friends mid 60 characters were not and he had not been on in over a month, its seems that grinding gear games with underpaid, overworked staff has done a fantastic job saving accounts and restoring some order. I can only hope they can completely stop this wave of hacks before it gets more innocent users like me and my friends who just want to have some fun for an hour or two. Thanks a lot (even though i lost a decent amount of stuff, better than starting over:)
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Hi all! I have been hacked a few days ago.
Im not gonna lie I didnt click anything or never visited some sites. I did that. Because I was just curious: "Do people really buying orbs? And whats the price of them? There is a bot? What is that?" I visited those sites but I havent bought any orbs or something. I use Avast as an antivirus, it havent prevented those viruses being installed somehow but he found viruses after I ran scanninng. Now I installed Comodo Firewall, it seems pretty safety, it asks about every action for any programm, allow that action or not. Just to be safe. Im not gonna play from a scratch for a second time you know if Im gonna being hacked again. Its very frustrating to loose everything you found or crafted, I wasnt selling stuff to pleople to be rich, I wasnt buying orbs, and to loose items I found, gems I was lvling to sell it to a vendor to get 20% quality gem, orbs that I was picking every single one, I opened every chest, broke every box to found it, is very and very frustrating. And if that happens again I will just delete the game, bookmarks and forget about this game forever. I have a two questions: 1) Now I use gmail.com as mailbox. According to your posts using 2 step verification guarantees Ill never be hacked, right? And even if I get a keylogger virus from site and hacker knows my passwords he wont be able to hack my account? I mean there are no ways to change mobile phone for verification or remove verif or avoid phone verif,right? I just want to be sure, Im gonna use recipes pages, and crafting pages, so there is a chance to get virus again. I hope Comodo will protect me though. I just wanna be sure Ill never got hacked, because if Im not sure I wont play anymore again, because its too frustrating to loose all you have got. 2) This question started to bother me. I was thinking - whats the point for a hacker to hack someone if your account will be banned with all the orbs and items you stole? Do people who had hacked acoounts were ever got banned? I was playing on Newerwinter Nghts 2 server before this, and admin there can tell everything about what items you gave to someone, when, where are those items now and such. Isnt that easy to see last tradings for a hacked account? And ban that account? To see tradings of that account who recived items and orbs from my account and ban him too and so on? Did you do that before? Do you do this now? Because I have so much doubts about that. You say you never give back items that was stolen because we can cheat and dublicate it using the help of our friends. How is that possible if account who recieved orbs and items from hacked account gonna be banned? If you ban that account he wont use stolen and his own items ever again. There will be no usings of friends if you were doing that. Just look the tradings into logs and ban every account, because he can use a few accounts to trade to give the items to account they use everytime. Just look in the logs, see what items were traded, ban that account and give back items to a hacked account. Is that so simple only for me? Why dont you see the logs and ban those hackers? I wasnt in anger when was writing, its been a few days after I been hacked, I calm already and not trying to be rude, these are questions I really want to ask. If I dont reply to you - I dont give a flying duck about your opinion If you dont reply to me - I dont care either because I dont come back to see who replied to me Last edited by The_Great_Alex#2863 on Dec 27, 2013, 1:55:22 AM
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