[R.I.P.] life Mjolner done right by Rico - Juggernaut version - R.I.P. thx to "balancing" policy

Madzak wrote:

If you only have 600ish life regen it won't mean all that to you, but as you see, I enabled vitality watcher's eye jewel and vitality aura and you get 900 ish regen.

Yes yes but I had same "wow" effect in PoB than in-game not so wow... It doesnt work as PoB "sees" it in-game imo. Last time I checked was in 3.1 thou. Maybe something changed or was corrected till than.
Latest guides:
3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke:
3.7 CI CoC Discharge: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2605608
3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1846362
fudon wrote:

What if replace PoI with PoE, worth it?

Edit: replace PoL with PoE
fudon wrote:

What if replace PoI with PoE, worth it?

Mmm, well if u can build around this idea a bit further like dropping some resistances from jewels/gear and investing into more dmg/life this way than yes. Especially life to compensate lower lightning dmg mitigation.
Latest guides:
3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke:
3.7 CI CoC Discharge: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2605608
3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1846362
Last edited by RicoKGB#5871 on Mar 30, 2018, 2:21:50 AM
RicoKGB wrote:
lumpsumhero wrote:
do you guys think I should switch my 19% watcher's eye (with purity of ice) with one that has puirty of fire and lightning. I heard that having purity of ice is not that good because of the chill effect you get when you take cold damage. I can get one but it will have 3% lower mitigation

This is first time Im hearing about any cold dmg/chill effect recieved while using Purity of Ice oO Where are you people getting those informations? Purity of Ice by improving your max cold resistance is actually lowering any chill/freeze duration on you. Dont change your Watchers Eye especially if u have double conversion one lol. They are golden, no matter what purity (ice/fire/light) as we have them all running on our build.

If meant that in combination with Watchers Eye that converts phys to cold you're recieving cold dmg from phys dmg and this can chill/freeze you than nope. Dmg will be to low vs your hp pool to do so. Also when cycloning Im using unfreeze/unchill quicksilver flask for faster mapping.

Where am I getting the chill debuff from then? I have no clue. Watcher's eye is the most logical choice.
I get slowed all the time in mapping. it's not like it really messes up gameplay. I'd just like an explanation. I am mindful of the map mods that give a chance for ele ailments or maps like summit where there are cold mobs. just seems like I have an unusually high chance of getting chill debuff.

edit: yeah, it's not watcher's eye. i apologize.. it's coming from somewhere. I dont konw. something creates a chilled ground when i get hit sometimes.
Last edited by lumpsumhero#2631 on Mar 30, 2018, 2:42:21 AM
RicoKGB wrote:

Mmm, well if u can build around this idea a bit further like dropping some resistances from jewels/gear and investing into more dmg/life this way than yes. Especially life to compensate lower lightning dmg mitigation.

I am already have life on my ring, belt and all jewels, so i can only redistribute resistances.
PoB char: https://pastebin.com/e42qjHh5
Now i am want to get 93 lvl, then drop 2 life nodes for jewel slot between marauder and templar, which I will use for Watcher's Eye.
So, overall that was not great idea to drop max lightning res? PoE and PoL have same colour, so its pretty easy to replace if need high lightning res and fire and cold res will be still maxed unless I am not under Elemental Weakness. But i have no endgame content experience, so dont know how its good.
Maybe better go for another Watcher's Eye, single Purity damage conversion and Shock/Freeze/Ingnite immunity for example?
Last edited by fudon#7618 on Mar 30, 2018, 3:14:35 AM
fudon wrote:
RicoKGB wrote:

Mmm, well if u can build around this idea a bit further like dropping some resistances from jewels/gear and investing into more dmg/life this way than yes. Especially life to compensate lower lightning dmg mitigation.

I am already have life on my ring, belt and all jewels, so i can only redistribute resistances.
PoB char: https://pastebin.com/e42qjHh5
Now i am want to get 93 lvl, then drop 2 life nodes for jewel slot between marauder and templar, which I will use for Watcher's Eye.
So, overall that was not great idea to drop max lightning res? PoE and PoL have same colour, so its pretty easy to replace if need high lightning res and fire and cold res will be still maxed unless I am not under Elemental Weakness. But i have no endgame content experience, so dont know how its good.
Maybe better go for another Watcher's Eye, single Purity damage conversion and Shock/Freeze/Ingnite immunity for example?

No no I didnt say its a bad idea... you can allways swap it out for PoL if needed yes... let me think about bosses that does a lot of light dmg... Shapers beam...but beam is less of a problem than slam which is physical... Atziris, Uber Atziris storm calls... Minotaur but his doing phys at the same time so you're fine... Dominus but again phys at the same time... Vaal Oversoul laser beam but again his slam is more dangerous... reflect you cant do eithe way... so...

Yep It might be worth it.
Latest guides:
3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke:
3.7 CI CoC Discharge: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2605608
3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1846362
Last edited by RicoKGB#5871 on Mar 30, 2018, 3:48:55 AM
preface: Sorry I ask so many questions, rico. I just really love the build and am quite obsessed with perfecting it. it's my second build only yet feel like i'd have a hard time finding this much enjoyment from another build.

Would you know how much having an additional accuracy gem would be equivalent to x% increased spell damage? My hit chance is at 93%. and says 95% accuracy is one of the build highlights. I assume with gem it bumps to 95%. obviously the more your hits connect, the more discharges go off. Any guess as to how much it specifically dmg increases? I ask because one of the guys above stated he replaced blood magic with an enlighten lvl 4 + corrupted romiras. my guy is pretty decked out so i'm just trying out ideas that can make him better
RicoKGB wrote:
No no I didnt say its a bad idea... you can allways swap it out for PoL if needed yes... let me think about bosses that does a lot of light dmg... Shapers beam...but beam is less of a problem than slam which is physical... Atziris, Uber Atziris storm calls... Minotaur but his doing phys at the same time so you're fine... Dominus but again phys at the same time... Vaal Oversoul laser beam but again his slam is more dangerous... reflect you cant do eithe way... so...

Yep It might be worth it.

So i will try it, but before I should reach at least 93 for jewel slot or even 94 for better resist (4% max hp 3% all res node) if I want to max and overcap resist with any of PoL/PoE running. But if I understood you correctly, the only fight where I need to switch from PoE to PoL is Uber Atziri, so I can balance my resist around PoE running, and there are no situations when I need running PoL with overcapped resists for ele weakness?
@fudon yes Uber Atziri you may also try maps with extra dmg as lightning mod with and without PoL to see how safe you are.

@lumpsumhero statistically you can say its about 3% difference in dps as well so not a big deal.
Latest guides:
3.11 Loki's Rainbownuke:
3.7 CI CoC Discharge: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2605608
3.7 Juggernaut life Mjolner: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1846362
I have Kingsguard 6S-5L, I want 2G and 3R.

What method should I use:

Vorici (1G for 4 Chromatic) or just 1 Chromatic ?


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