frawrst wrote:
carebesen wrote:
not going so great for me honestly, I don´t know why my damage is lacking so much, it never felt great starting maps and i have problems killing t9/t10 bosses and buffed rares
attacks only feel strong when all buffs are active and always getting 3 warcries, ancestral warchief and rage going doesn´t leave enough time for attackes
everyone here is talking about missing attack speed or tankiness but for me it seems like plain damage is missing...
am i doing sth wrong?
by not putting your main skill in tidebreaker, you are missing out on its innate link (endurance charge on stun) which in a 5 link tidebreaker makes it a psuedo 6 link
ty but i doubt this is bringing me from 20k to 100k+... i was using it before i got my 5l armor and dmg was lower
i dont see how im missing so much damage when this build is supposed to be about single target damage in the first place. fully buffed i do 50k for 3 hits so i have to maintain warcry buffs or my damage drops massively while i see you not even bothering with keeping up warcries in the posted videos. it looks like your base attack is so much better and even fully buffed I feel weak, i stopped playing today after hitting a wall on t10 maps...
Last edited by carebesen#1066 on Dec 17, 2023, 6:55:55 PM
Posted bycarebesen#1066on Dec 17, 2023, 6:54:57 PM
carebesen wrote:
frawrst wrote:
carebesen wrote:
not going so great for me honestly, I don´t know why my damage is lacking so much, it never felt great starting maps and i have problems killing t9/t10 bosses and buffed rares
attacks only feel strong when all buffs are active and always getting 3 warcries, ancestral warchief and rage going doesn´t leave enough time for attackes
everyone here is talking about missing attack speed or tankiness but for me it seems like plain damage is missing...
am i doing sth wrong?
by not putting your main skill in tidebreaker, you are missing out on its innate link (endurance charge on stun) which in a 5 link tidebreaker makes it a psuedo 6 link
ty but i doubt this is bringing me from 20k to 100k+... i was using it before i got my 5l armor and dmg was lower
i dont see how im missing so much damage when this build is supposed to be about single target damage in the first place. fully buffed i do 50k for 3 hits so i have to maintain warcry buffs or my damage drops massively while i see you not even bothering with keeping up warcries in the posted videos. it looks like your base attack is so much better and even fully buffed I feel weak, i stopped playing today after hitting a wall on t10 maps...
literally putting ground slam in your 4 link mace makes it hit for 168k
i replied to someone early, since you do not have rite of ruin or good attack speed jewels/items, your slams feel very slow
dont use pulverize or melee phys as they have LESS attack speed multipliers, use fortify, shockwave, ruthless/literally any other support. even a green faster attacks will make it FEEL alot better
Posted byfrawrst#6156on Dec 17, 2023, 8:40:05 PM
Thank you this was very helpful, one question about the vaal ground slam? how does that work using it as the main skill? looking up the info about vaal skills and they need souls to use, so how are you able to use 100% of the time?
frawrst wrote:
jms5419 wrote:
I am brand new to POE and stumbled across this guide and started using it for my first character. So far I think i am following ok (Act 4 level 45), however, can you give me a very high level overview of how the actual warcry gameplay works? Put another way - what is the 'default' play style ?
there are 2 main options
1. use call to arms + 1 warcry, put it on left click and let it auto use as you move
this is fine for almost all content in the game
2. piano warcry, using ways to extend warcrys to keep warbringer proccing on all of our exerted hits. you have to keep pressing warcries and maintaining rage, all the while dpsing and dodging etc. a much more active and heavy playstyle
the "rotation" for piano would be, 1st warcry, slam slam slam, 2nd warcry, slam slam slam, 3rd warcry, slam slam slam, 1st warcry repeating
Posted byjms5419#4445on Dec 17, 2023, 9:17:12 PM
you are correct, this build does NOT perma sustain souls, we use vaal GS as a big dps and safety button, and use regular GS otherwise
Posted byfrawrst#6156on Dec 17, 2023, 9:20:54 PM
It seems like my passive tree is a bit different than the picture but I am trying my best to follow this build. Can you update the passive tree picture and rename the mastery nodes if needed updated due to patches changes the names of them. Thanks You!
Posted byOGTippin#8956on Dec 18, 2023, 1:12:00 AM
OGTippin wrote:
It seems like my passive tree is a bit different than the picture but I am trying my best to follow this build. Can you update the passive tree picture and rename the mastery nodes if needed updated due to patches changes the names of them. Thanks You!
hi friend
download path of building on pc and use all those; the picture is from a previous league
Posted byfrawrst#6156on Dec 18, 2023, 1:16:37 AM
Hey sorry im really noob and i wanna run this build.. tried boneshatter the axe's just too complicated/expensive..
Is there any way you can easily explain or dumb down how i can avoid stuns or being frozen?
Posted byDooftard#6260on Dec 18, 2023, 1:38:37 AM
Dooftard wrote:
Hey sorry im really noob and i wanna run this build.. tried boneshatter the axe's just too complicated/expensive..
Is there any way you can easily explain or dumb down how i can avoid stuns or being frozen?
You inherently avoid stuns above 25 rage with rite of ruin, otherwise you can allocate Unwavering stance since this isn't an evasion build.
Avoiding freezes is easy, through use of the pantheon. Grab a divine vessel and capture merveil (underground sea map) and use the brine king pantheon then you will have 100% chance to avoid being frozen.
Posted byGSMaggsy#2372on Dec 18, 2023, 1:59:27 AM
like gsmaggsy said, those are 2x very easy ways to avoid stuns and freeze
you can also grab a freeze immune flask, or unwavering keystone, or kaoms roots
or go to the poewiki for freeze/stun and read how to find more avoidance for them
Posted byfrawrst#6156on Dec 18, 2023, 2:44:01 AM
Hey there,
Thanks for the build frawrst, I had a slow start but now it's really smooth and fun to play.
It's my first slam, it's the best slam !
And thanks to you too, Feluto, I spied a lot your character ^^
Posted bynoufnouf#3608on Dec 18, 2023, 6:52:27 AM