[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

Anyone have a POB for a version that uses cluster jewels? I'd like to stack a couple low tolerance jewels and also get disease vector to negate mobs regen. Using any of the named skills, I don't care.
The leveling section and skill tree have "Claws of the Pride"
None of the 4 full skill trees have this node.

Is "Claws of the Pride" a leveling thing I spec out of later?
Last edited by tylerjw16 on Jun 20, 2020, 7:18:15 PM
tylerjw16 wrote:
The leveling section and skill tree have "Claws of the Pride"
None of the 4 full skill trees have this node.

Is "Claws of the Pride" a leveling thing I spec out of later?

yeah, respec later
Thank you very much for the tree :* www.poeurl.com/cU7I
Started with this build, it's pretty decent overall so far. It's a lot of fun and enjoyable to play, while being pretty steadily powerful throughout. The first 30 levels or so are rough compared to a caster or melee, but then it's a cruise to maps. I ran with a 4 link all the way to maps, and am only using a 5 link now, having just started maps. Maybe have done like 30 maps so far.

It's a little squishy, no acro/phase acro and no dodge chance since it takes Iron Reflexs, I haven't taken it yet as my Evasion isn't really high enough since my gear is ragtag shit I threw together to cap resists and get life on it.

Leveling with Venom Gyre, picking up the pierce nodes really helped a lot, but I will drop it once I can get the annointment.

The one thing I'd like to see is a more detailed and halpful leveling guide, but I'm already level so fuck'em lol.

Good build, hope it scales well without needing 30ex claws to pull more than 1m dps.
~ Seph
The one thing I'd like to see is a more detailed and halpful leveling guide, but I'm already level so fuck'em lol.

The current one was from me. Curious about your comment, what didn´t you like about the leveling section? Constructive critisism is always welcome, I´d like to improve the part if you see anyhting that lacks information.
Okay, Cluster Gem Notable weighing is out aaaand... It's a mess. Getting a decent Cluster is going to be thousands of chaos unless you shortcut it via Harvest somehow. Getting a large with three good notables and two jewel sockets is going to cost an eye.

Sooo... I think for new we better stick to the clusterless tree. It's a good thing that this build wasn't planned around clusters at all cause they butchered them. Not a fan of locking so much power behind currency but that's GGG for you.
Leveling with cobra lash until lvl 30-40 feels pretty shit. I 4linked it quite early but still haha. I should've used plague bearer for bosses I guess it would have helped me tho. And ye even with vile toxin switch it felt kinda bad in single target.

Now I'm at the map and its a blast, good clear speed and even single target right now is good with 2 wasp nest claw.
Last edited by saouled on Jun 21, 2020, 6:47:37 AM
Orangesilk wrote:
Okay, Cluster Gem Notable weighing is out aaaand... It's a mess. Getting a decent Cluster is going to be thousands of chaos unless you shortcut it via Harvest somehow. Getting a large with three good notables and two jewel sockets is going to cost an eye.

Sooo... I think for new we better stick to the clusterless tree. It's a good thing that this build wasn't planned around clusters at all cause they butchered them. Not a fan of locking so much power behind currency but that's GGG for you.

Why is that? They messed up clusters too?
Orangesilk wrote:
Okay, Cluster Gem Notable weighing is out aaaand... It's a mess. Getting a decent Cluster is going to be thousands of chaos unless you shortcut it via Harvest somehow. Getting a large with three good notables and two jewel sockets is going to cost an eye.

Sooo... I think for new we better stick to the clusterless tree. It's a good thing that this build wasn't planned around clusters at all cause they butchered them. Not a fan of locking so much power behind currency but that's GGG for you.

I can't agree. Even if you get a good two noder large cluster, disease vector and a couple low tolerance nodes are going to be really strong I feel. Disease vector at least would be worth getting I think. Negating an enemies life regen is pretty big.

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