[3.21] 🌿Ultimate Claw Poison Pathfinder - Untouchable Viper - Molten Strike update by FEL

There´s no way to make everyone happy. If that move gets put in the next person comes along and is concerned about the cost of the claw. As far as I know, Thorstein trys to keep the costs of the build as low as possible for everyone to play, hence Forbidden Jewels or an Onslaught-Implicit Circle of nostalgia are not part of the PoB, yet I use them.
At some point u gotta take responsibility to make your own changes and improvements to the build if you wanna push it even further and personally I think it is a bit lazy to ask for EVERYTHING to be laid out perfectly. Also, if you come here and ask the people that pushed further we would have been happy to help and adress certain upgrade-options beforehand.

Firstly I didn't ask for the Aisling info, you told. I merely said maybe it should be in the guide after getting this information.

Secondly an Aisling slam is worth about 2divine. The onslaught on hit ring, which I have, cost me about 15 divines and it IS in the PoB(and the guide). So don't claim the Aisling slam is kept out in the interests of keeping the build cheap.

I didn't come here to argue, I came here to say thank you. Please don't feel the need to be aggro towards someone for paying you a compliment and offering some input about how the guide you helped develop, could be improved.
Macca84 wrote:
There´s no way to make everyone happy. If that move gets put in the next person comes along and is concerned about the cost of the claw. As far as I know, Thorstein trys to keep the costs of the build as low as possible for everyone to play, hence Forbidden Jewels or an Onslaught-Implicit Circle of nostalgia are not part of the PoB, yet I use them.
At some point u gotta take responsibility to make your own changes and improvements to the build if you wanna push it even further and personally I think it is a bit lazy to ask for EVERYTHING to be laid out perfectly. Also, if you come here and ask the people that pushed further we would have been happy to help and adress certain upgrade-options beforehand.

Firstly I didn't ask for the Aisling info, you told. I merely said maybe it should be in the guide after getting this information.

Secondly an Aisling slam is worth about 2divine. The onslaught on hit ring, which I have, cost me about 15 divines and it IS in the PoB(and the guide). So don't claim the Aisling slam is kept out in the interests of keeping the build cheap.

I didn't come here to argue, I came here to say thank you. Please don't feel the need to be aggro towards someone for paying you a compliment and offering some input about how the guide you helped develop, could be improved.

Calm down boys :)
Macca ty for the input. I'm really glad you had great time with the build! Makes me warm and fuzzy on the inside :D

Regarding the Aisling slam on the claw, you're both right. I've maybe should have added it as luxury craft and I prob will.
On the other hand as Vennto said we try to keep things strait forward and deterministic as much as possible.

Aisling slam is rng craft which is done on basically finished item and can be pretty frustrating. I tried it and it removed added Chaos that was perfectly rolled. In the end i got "lucky" inc phys with ex slam which compensated to worst added chaos roll after the failed Aisling slam.

Best case scenario Aisling slam gives hair under 6% more damage. It's not for everyone but only for min/maxing.
There are always bits for improvement but players like yourself will find their way on their own and we can always exchange ideas here. :)
Last edited by TorsteinTheFallen on Feb 6, 2023, 7:56:30 PM
I played a version of pestilent strike using Mahuxotl's and Tempered by War lethal pride jewel. Only have to gear for fire/chaos, and achieved elemental avoidance using Stormshroud. I use Ghost Dance to proc Everlasting Sacrifice

DaRabidJackal wrote:
I played a version of pestilent strike using Mahuxotl's and Tempered by War lethal pride jewel. Only have to gear for fire/chaos, and achieved elemental avoidance using Stormshroud. I use Ghost Dance to proc Everlasting Sacrifice

maybe i messed up the config but those numbers dont really look good considering how good/expensive your gear is: https://pobb.in/BHxpXFBsip33

the main reason i think is you arent using temp chains, its currently too strong to skip with psn builds.
you could also use molten shell since you ve got armor, also do you really need a mana flask? i would change that for a silver flask (onslaught on flask got changed to a buff so it benefits from flask effect), your attack rate is really low.
is there also a reason you pick master surgeon over nature's reprisal?
Last edited by __FEL__ on Mar 6, 2023, 6:59:36 PM
I was blasting 8-mod maps, some things I was messing around depending on the mod. Was trying out flagellant flasks w/ master surgeon, you are right I need to change that back. I will try molten shell and see how it feels. Temp chains I will try to squeeze in, would need to retool some things. Attack rate is carried a bit by ancestral protector. I did not have equipped, I will swap in with second wind support. If I get more currency maybe I will try for a different helm, and look for onslaught nostalgia ring that I could fit. https://pobb.in/j99KVHnWvhba
Last edited by DaRabidJackal on Mar 10, 2023, 4:50:27 PM
Hi! Great build, I love it! Fantastic job!

I am struggling to get a better a claw - there's just no available ones for sale.

Does anyone have a claw similar to the one in the guide for sale? DM me

IGN: Kozii_ViperStrikeKEKW
Doublevodka wrote:
Hi! Great build, I love it! Fantastic job!

I am struggling to get a better a claw - there's just no available ones for sale.

Does anyone have a claw similar to the one in the guide for sale? DM me

IGN: Kozii_ViperStrikeKEKW


You're claw is ok, you just used cheaper essence. You can craft new one, it's not that expensive.

Is there a good way to make a claw with "hits can not be evaded" and "increased chaos damage/skill effect duration"?

Sure, i can just multimod it but whats the best way to get a claw with Chaos Damage, Poison Chance, Attack Speed and nothing else on it? Is there anything Deterministic to do that?

I am on SSFHC btw... and you can probably cut the sentence that it is not a good build for league start. Did a very different approach than the Guide Version but the Build was fast and smooth. Melts t16 maps with very little gear right now.

If anyone is interested you can look what i did in my profile. Its pretty much Haste + Malevolence for dps and zoom, achieved by a lot of Reservation Efficiency from tree and Devouring Diadem. Determination + Grace with Iron Reflexes, Spell Suppression and Elemental Flasks for Defense. Leathe Shade against Dots.

I know its a lot less damage than the SC Versions have but for a SSFHC Build it feels pretty damn strong and i played a lot of the Meta Builds in that Mode. Build is also not even close to be done. I hope i can kill uber bosses with it in the next weak. Farming Loreweave + Eternal Damnation now, Darkness Enthroned for more Damage and Silver Oils for Sovereignty Anoint which will allow me to fit Purity of Elements in to get Ailment Immune for Bossing.

Would really help to have a deterministic way to get a claw like that. Could drop Precision then and change some nodes in the tree. Otherwise i will probably be with no other choice than Precision + Arrogance.
Last edited by Vepa on Mar 12, 2023, 7:34:57 PM
Vepa wrote:
Is there a good way to make a claw with "hits can not be evaded" and "increased chaos damage/skill effect duration"

No, not really - Both mods have a veiled origin and with 100 and 60 weighting respectively very low chance to roll for even one of them. Getting both would basically mean a totally different crafting-approach with possibly fracturing one of them, which is not worth it considering how much more power u would get by a fractured AS.

Vepa wrote:
Sure, i can just multimod it but whats the best way to get a claw with Chaos Damage, Poison Chance, Attack Speed and nothing else on it? Is there anything Deterministic to do that?

This part is actually pretty doable, even for SSF - you would need to delve and get the fossil-combination of Abberrant, Metallic + Shuddering. On average it requires 7-8 trys to get a decently rolled AS-mod, then u just have to yolo annul.

Maybe i give it a try or just stick to harvest reroll chaos/speed and essences then. Not really a big delve Fan.

Or just keep the Auras as is and find a different solution for the ailment problem.

The Point of the Build was to make it as easy and fast to Gear as possible but still Boss viable. I guess for that purpose its a bit too much rng/time investment to go for the mod on a good claw.

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