3.23.2 Patch Notes

AboowwAbooww wrote:
i know "regular people" play the game, but it takes 5 seconds on google to figure out that clearing shaders will make the game "lag" until your cache of sorts will fix itself

and just for us "regular" people, how long should it take for the cache to "fix itself"? have ran 4 - 5 maps now to allow it time to rebuild and it is still a slide show when running into slightly large groups. everything was running smoothly before the patch and it's now pretty much unplayable after these enhancements
i have exactly the same problems now. its a freaking slide show with large mobs
Now there is a bug where it doesn't always take note of voidstone modifiers in maps. And it breaks my build as i have been able to solo and be invincible without soul gain prevention, but when the map doesn't apply it? Welp I hope a fix comes because i've been able to run more than ever in this league and its been fun. I was hoping to get to 100 as well. With these game breaking bugs it's insanely hard to have any motivation and hope for gameplay.
Now how about fixing or at least addressing the Abyss bug?
Fully compass + scarabs, map says "map contains additional 4 abysses", yet only ONE spawns.
can you at least give us an ANSWER????
I guess we all playing simpler skills now that the graphics engine came out. Get ready for the heavy strike league.
Has anyone else ran into issues with their Abyssal Spires causing game crashes to desktop with Dx11 and/or Dx12 since this update? I can't seem to run my map strategy due to this. I still have challenges to complete and unfortunately it doesn't seem like I'm going to be able to finish this league any more.
After updated path Blade fall skill support by spell cadsade, The blade fell out of position as the mouse pointed.
My game went from running perfectly fine on DX11 to dropping to 1fps every time I attack a monster. I thought surely it should only last a couple maps while the stuff gets re-cached. It's been like 15 maps and it's still 1 frame every 3 seconds while I'm actually engaging with league mechanics. Something ain't right. I've tried with all 3 renderers and it's borderline unplayable.
Sadly for me game is also unplayable now : huge graphic glitches + freeze or directly disconnects every second juiced map + huge lags in end-league - even on 800x600...
Was also running perfectly on dx 11 with GF RTX 3080 - never had problems.
I tried every possible setting i guess, nothing helps. Would be nice if GGG takes that back...
Before the patch I was running Simulacrums flawlessly on lowest settings with Dx11 (I have a 4070 with a Ryzen 9 5900x). After patch, I crash on most waves over 12. Not sure what happened but it's unplayable atm. Hoping for a revert or some sort of solution.

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