Finally uninstalled PoE2... the wave of relief is crazy!

Feeling amazing already!

It was like a terribly unrewarding mold of all the worst parts of PoE 1 , mixed with all the worst parts of Elder Ring and Souls games, mixed with zero loot, mixed with horrible oversized maps that have maybe 1-2 dense fighting areas per 30 minute map clear.

Just because a game is tedious and slow doesn't mean it was challenging. If that was true, everyone would just be sitting and playing the original Zelda on NES because it's a B*** to play (although I'd rather play that because it has lore and atmosphere).

Only diehard streamer fans and players who have dissolved their brains playing TikTok videos could enjoy this game in its current state.

The graphics are great, but some things you can't just 'produce' by strongarming money into them. PoE 2 has no soul or lore at all. The main female explorer character whose name is so forgettable I already forgot it, if you zoom in, has a 'Yankee Doodle Dandy' metal helm with 3 huge feathers shoved inside of it under the metal. That's not lore, that's just goofy.

Act 3 is literally Act 2 from PoE 1 copy pasted and changed a little. I laughed out loud when I realized I was basically in Vaal Pyramids except laid flat down with the Soul Stones part.

They had the option to come up with some amazing cool areas and floundered completely. Like... WEVE ALREADY SEEN JUNGLE AND SAND DUNE ACTS BEFORE! It's patronizing. Also, Act 1 should've just been Act 3 since it had a much more demonic and dark feel to it.

The boss ideas are cool at first, until you realize you're stuck in the boss fight for 10-20 minutes unless you chose one of the better classes.

Not to mention, the game simply runs terribly on a lot of different computers. I can run every other game on Ultra or High @ 4k, and this game I'm getting low FPS and 100% CPU usage even though I'm sitting in the main menu still.

Maybe the game eventually 'gets there', but at this point I hope they just cash grab and rugpull PoE 2 and go back to PoE 1. The devs have definitely lost all my respect and I will never willingly spend another dime on a GGG product.

And lets not even get into the fact they just recycled some of the worst content from PoE1 and bragged about it being 'new end game systems'!. Breach is boring. Digging/explosions is boring. No new systems at all, just copy pasted stuff from PoE1.

Last edited by FaZe_Midian#2894 on Dec 9, 2024, 12:24:22 PM
Last bumped on Jan 16, 2025, 8:03:32 PM
I never played poe1…why is most of the hate coming from poe1 players?
I haven't played PoE1 in like 8 years. I don't even particularly like PoE1, it's overly bloated. I enjoyed it back when you could do a few maps without 15 NPCs popping up with different optional quests. PoE1 has been destroyed for a while.

PoE2 slowed things down, but in the wrong way. Making all monsters have 2-3 the move speed of the player is the opposite of a power fantasy. They use swarming monsters with fast move speed to distract the player from the fact that none of the monsters are particularly interesting.

The good news it is early access, but there is no way in heck I'm touching this hot pile of s... for another year at least. So many things wrong with it it's easier to do a list of the things they get right.


1) Still figuring this one out.
I haven't played PoE1 in like 8 years. I don't even particularly like PoE1, it's overly bloated. I enjoyed it back when you could do a few maps without 15 NPCs popping up with different optional quests. PoE1 has been destroyed for a while.

PoE2 slowed things down, but in the wrong way. Making all monsters have 2-3 the move speed of the player is the opposite of a power fantasy. They use swarming monsters with fast move speed to distract the player from the fact that none of the monsters are particularly interesting.

The good news it is early access, but there is no way in heck I'm touching this hot pile of s... for another year at least. So many things wrong with it it's easier to do a list of the things they get right.


1) Still figuring this one out.

Realy? So you dont like POE1, you dont like POE2, why are you getting so worked up about it then?

You have zero appreciation for anything GGG has build with POE2 and that sounds more like an attitude issue, then anythingelse. Sure, the game can be frustrating, but to play it down and critizing it in affect makes your critique appear invalid.

Move on.

Well, first post here... and probably last for a long time :)

I am a builder, I like to try-out stuff... and die trying. That's what I find "funny". So long I make my way, even if not powerful... I can deal with it. For that to work, I expect that if a game offers a specific gameplay, that gameplay is [at least], funtional.

On this respect, POE2 feels "too much" as Elden Ring: There are quite few options out there... but either they are meaningless [like armor in ER or many initial skills in POE2] or you don't have really agency on them [Roll or die in ER and... same in POE2].

POE2 also falls in the Elden Ring pitfall of not explaining anything to newcomers. At its core, it is game made for catering POE1 fans.

From my side, I followed what OP mention and just uninstall the game.

One constructive criticism here before leaving: I play Magic the Gathering since some time. Main lead design of Magic [Mark Rosewater], offered the following advise for game development: If you want the players to learn mechanism from the game, make sure they get enough exposure on the common / more usual elements of your game. An example for POE2: make sure that WHITE minions teach players useful skills. Last Epoch does a fantastic job here with cold damage in the tundra level of the campaign.
Why do they have to make an announcement out of it like in an airport?
Feeling amazing already!

It was like a terribly unrewarding mold of all the worst parts of PoE 1 , mixed with all the worst parts of Elder Ring and Souls games, mixed with zero loot, mixed with horrible oversized maps that have maybe 1-2 dense fighting areas per 30 minute map clear.

Just because a game is tedious and slow doesn't mean it was challenging. If that was true, everyone would just be sitting and playing the original Zelda on NES because it's a B*** to play (although I'd rather play that because it has lore and atmosphere).

Only diehard streamer fans and players who have dissolved their brains playing TikTok videos could enjoy this game in its current state.

The graphics are great, but some things you can't just 'produce' by strongarming money into them. PoE 2 has no soul or lore at all. The main female explorer character whose name is so forgettable I already forgot it, if you zoom in, has a 'Yankee Doodle Dandy' metal helm with 3 huge feathers shoved inside of it under the metal. That's not lore, that's just goofy.

Act 3 is literally Act 2 from PoE 1 copy pasted and changed a little. I laughed out loud when I realized I was basically in Vaal Pyramids except laid flat down with the Soul Stones part.

They had the option to come up with some amazing cool areas and floundered completely. Like... WEVE ALREADY SEEN JUNGLE AND SAND DUNE ACTS BEFORE! It's patronizing. Also, Act 1 should've just been Act 3 since it had a much more demonic and dark feel to it.

The boss ideas are cool at first, until you realize you're stuck in the boss fight for 10-20 minutes unless you chose one of the better classes.

Not to mention, the game simply runs terribly on a lot of different computers. I can run every other game on Ultra or High @ 4k, and this game I'm getting low FPS and 100% CPU usage even though I'm sitting in the main menu still.

Maybe the game eventually 'gets there', but at this point I hope they just cash grab and rugpull PoE 2 and go back to PoE 1. The devs have definitely lost all my respect and I will never willingly spend another dime on a GGG product.

And lets not even get into the fact they just recycled some of the worst content from PoE1 and bragged about it being 'new end game systems'!. Breach is boring. Digging/explosions is boring. No new systems at all, just copy pasted stuff from PoE1.

So why did you play so much if you didn't like it?
It is indeed unrewarding atm, several systems need tweaking and I look forward to seeing the other classes, the tediousness does make one burnout rather quickly and put in alot of effort for minimal reward.

The graphics are awesome, the design is awesome, the music is awesome and the monsters are awesome, and the reason it's kind of copy pasta is because it's still wraeclast.

the swarming and lack of control? Feels bad. Respawning maps when you die and spend another 15 minutes killing the same monsters and get no loot for it? Not good. Crafting? Non-existent. Power fantasy? No. Cater to Dark souls gamers and not the masses or it's community? Looks like it, if it goes on like this it will die because of the tediousness and it's set up for one single playthrough, not rerolling.

It's in early access with half of its content, chill for a couple months and give it a shot again, I will. PoE1 had the same type of rough start I've heard, the game might be superb in 10 years xD

This runs better on my pc than PoE1 and it's not even close, DLSS, game changer.
Ciao babe!
i agree to everything, it is abuse experience for me.. unnecessarily hard bosses that feel like they are exist only just to annoying you and spoil any fun ..there is not rewarding at all...all classic rpg mechanincs are gone! this is not what devs are promote it is, its another soul like game, that what it is. every map zone a boss! with limited xp farm , no way to enoy it solo and when you do after 100 times repeating u get 15 silver drop from a boss lol like the wolf...and party with other can be terrible experiance as well, because the boss even get even harder, i found easier solo than party if the perty is not the rights class..and talka bout class, warrior is lame, i leave this game

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