Finally uninstalled PoE2... the wave of relief is crazy!

Overall sentiments I'd agree (Merc traditional lvl 63 [I finally finished a single map Tier-1 in the end-game/late-game w/ my Merc -- used Cloak of Flames so I could bypass most armor passive nodes, and just focus on fire resis -- re-spec'd quite a bit trying to get hyrid {Freeze} melee to work, but in the end, just went traditional Grenades {could path to Ranger for Bow/Poison perhaps but again no interest}]; Warrior melee lvl 54; and Witch minion lvl 21 -- no real interest in any of the other classes).

Though, I think when new classes are released I will still try them out (like Druid/Templar/Marauder [mainly melee-based]) also, so I cannot judge that yet at least.

Personally, I still have 1 more build to try on my list that I think is still worth exploring, i.e. trying Cloak of Flames for my Warrior (bypass armor nodes at least [yes, they can nerf CoF later, but it is what it is]) -- perhaps that may make enough of a difference for some improvement.

(Re. the 1 Tier-1 map I completed on my Merc, I echo the same [negatively mainly] things as many folks say about mapping/end-game basically -- no interest at all in mapping more to Tier-1+. Again, no need to echo the "rate 1-10 on end-game" threads [and general community/YT/Reddit/etc] general [negative] sentiments, but for brevity's sake, I rate end-game 1/10 [for that 1 map I completed] for the experience. I just have to agree w/ the majority here [I believe], unfortunately [again, just seems like poe1 clone end-game and very uncooked for it to be in poe2 -- folks can just play poe1 for that I feel {maybe breach/delerium/etc is diff but again no interest}].)
Trade is EZ mode. ;) | Path of Trading ;) | "TLDR: -1 Devs ohhh" (Lol.) | "I've played a lot of videogames. It's my primary recreational activity. Best games ever: Elden Ring and Diablo 4." ~Elon Musk, 2023 | "Dawg", "IQ 48" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ | [Removed by Support]
I am in the same boat atm, would probably be a relief to just let it go and wait for proper release, ggg are great at creating mixed feelings, I love the game in some ways but I don't think I have ever been so frustrated as well, especially with the trials.

The performance is an issue too, feels exactly like some of the optimisation issues from POE 1, some of the load ins and effects in the game causing issues, which was in part an issue with the sanctum trial with the ground effect mob spawns lagging out and just getting swarmed by elemental effects and ground effects everywhere. Hard to believe there was not an engine change for POE 2.

It honestly feels too much like later years POE 1 already with the amount of content already, busted economy, power creep and using POE 1 systems to fill holes. I really hope that is not intended for when it is properly released and it relies more on original content and more a fresh start like the original game had.

I think it is also a good point on how the acts and environments are a little unoriginal at this point, although I enjoyed a lot of it, but one of the most refreshing parts of the game was in the black chamber with the futuristic feel and robots and such. They could have even went with guns with a stream punk futuristic looks for the mercenary which could have been incredible, but instead you get just crossbows. They could even blend in more futuristic aspects to the game, more past and present stuff.
Whay a crybaby xD
Oh god... "FaZe" lmfao.
Feeling amazing already!

It was like a terribly unrewarding mold of all the worst parts of PoE 1 , mixed with all the worst parts of Elder Ring and Souls games, mixed with zero loot, mixed with horrible oversized maps that have maybe 1-2 dense fighting areas per 30 minute map clear.

Just because a game is tedious and slow doesn't mean it was challenging. If that was true, everyone would just be sitting and playing the original Zelda on NES because it's a B*** to play (although I'd rather play that because it has lore and atmosphere).

Only diehard streamer fans and players who have dissolved their brains playing TikTok videos could enjoy this game in its current state.

The graphics are great, but some things you can't just 'produce' by strongarming money into them. PoE 2 has no soul or lore at all. The main female explorer character whose name is so forgettable I already forgot it, if you zoom in, has a 'Yankee Doodle Dandy' metal helm with 3 huge feathers shoved inside of it under the metal. That's not lore, that's just goofy.

Act 3 is literally Act 2 from PoE 1 copy pasted and changed a little. I laughed out loud when I realized I was basically in Vaal Pyramids except laid flat down with the Soul Stones part.

They had the option to come up with some amazing cool areas and floundered completely. Like... WEVE ALREADY SEEN JUNGLE AND SAND DUNE ACTS BEFORE! It's patronizing. Also, Act 1 should've just been Act 3 since it had a much more demonic and dark feel to it.

The boss ideas are cool at first, until you realize you're stuck in the boss fight for 10-20 minutes unless you chose one of the better classes.

Not to mention, the game simply runs terribly on a lot of different computers. I can run every other game on Ultra or High @ 4k, and this game I'm getting low FPS and 100% CPU usage even though I'm sitting in the main menu still.

Maybe the game eventually 'gets there', but at this point I hope they just cash grab and rugpull PoE 2 and go back to PoE 1. The devs have definitely lost all my respect and I will never willingly spend another dime on a GGG product.

And lets not even get into the fact they just recycled some of the worst content from PoE1 and bragged about it being 'new end game systems'!. Breach is boring. Digging/explosions is boring. No new systems at all, just copy pasted stuff from PoE1.

bye felicia
Players at 75+ running maps:

People: "There's not enough loot!"

75+ players: "Uhh... my buddy just died because there's so much loot on the ground in a single screen's worth of space that they literally couldn't find a place to click and forgot to press z... but sure, we'll take it! Moar loot for everyone!"
Last edited by Th3Fall3n0n3#6762 on Jan 4, 2025, 3:54:59 PM
Players at 75+ running maps:

People: "There's not enough loot!"

75+ players: "Uhh... my buddy just died because there's so much loot on the ground in a single screen's worth of space that they literally couldn't find a place to click and forgot to press z... but sure, we'll take it! Moar loot for everyone!"

It’s almost as if “there’s not enough loot in campaign and low tier maps” and “there’s too much loot in high tier maps” can simultaneously be true. Personally, I’m not loving the fact that all my good gear was purchased, not found or crafted. I’m not loving the fact that using exalts to craft is worse than using them to trade 99% of the time.
Rivance#3976 wrote:
Players at 75+ running maps:

People: "There's not enough loot!"

75+ players: "Uhh... my buddy just died because there's so much loot on the ground in a single screen's worth of space that they literally couldn't find a place to click and forgot to press z... but sure, we'll take it! Moar loot for everyone!"

It’s almost as if “there’s not enough loot in campaign and low tier maps” and “there’s too much loot in high tier maps” can simultaneously be true. Personally, I’m not loving the fact that all my good gear was purchased, not found or crafted. I’m not loving the fact that using exalts to craft is worse than using them to trade 99% of the time.

I can respect wanting to find some of your own gear, but if you don't want to trade for your gear, doesn't that naturally follow that you can't get the highest level gear unless you're at the highest level yourself?

It can't be true that you want your own items if you want items that have stronger mods than your level would allow. Are you proposing that mid level players should be able to roll expert armor with all tier6+ mods? Why take the game up to level 99 at that point?

Exalts are a gamble, yes- but the only way they could be more reliable and still have the gotta find loot feeling is if items to gamble on were rarer, not more prevalent.
Last edited by Th3Fall3n0n3#6762 on Jan 4, 2025, 4:04:33 PM
Rivance#3976 wrote:
Players at 75+ running maps:

People: "There's not enough loot!"

75+ players: "Uhh... my buddy just died because there's so much loot on the ground in a single screen's worth of space that they literally couldn't find a place to click and forgot to press z... but sure, we'll take it! Moar loot for everyone!"

It’s almost as if “there’s not enough loot in campaign and low tier maps” and “there’s too much loot in high tier maps” can simultaneously be true. Personally, I’m not loving the fact that all my good gear was purchased, not found or crafted. I’m not loving the fact that using exalts to craft is worse than using them to trade 99% of the time.

I can respect wanting to find some of your own gear, but if you don't want to trade for your gear, doesn't that naturally follow that you can't get the highest level gear unless you're at the highest level yourself?

It can't be true that you want your own items if you want items that have stronger mods than your level would allow. Are you proposing that mid level players should be able to roll expert armor with all tier6+ mods? Why take the game up to level 99 at that point?

Who said I wanted high tier items? I just don’t want my level 20 scepter to be better than everything I’ve found up till mapping. There’s an enormous ocean between “give me higher tier gear than I’ve earned” and “using the same gear throughout the entire campaign despite picking up every scepter that drops and slamming plenty of regal/exalts trying to craft an upgrade and getting nothing.” At least for minions there are enough “required” stats on some slots that using significantly underleveled gear is better than using gear that didn’t roll +minions or spirit.
Rivance#3976 wrote:
Who said I wanted high tier items? I just don’t want my level 20 scepter to be better than everything I’ve found up till mapping. There’s an enormous ocean between “give me higher tier gear than I’ve earned” and “using the same gear throughout the entire campaign despite picking up every scepter that drops and slamming plenty of regal/exalts trying to craft an upgrade and getting nothing.” At least for minions there are enough “required” stats on some slots that using significantly underleveled gear is better than using gear that didn’t roll +minions or spirit.

Fair, I suppose, I just sort of accept it as a staple for the genre. Generally you spend as few resources as necessary to keep up with the content until late game, where you enjoy a boost from your saved resources with the best gear. It's a concept shared with many MMO's and most diablo-esque games I've played.

"Good" gear for your current level often involves higher tier mods for that equipment that don't come with much frequency until you generate a higher item level unless you craft it on there with omens and essences and the like (which are themselves predominantly a late-game map resource).

The entire genre, not this specific game, generates the drive to achieve higher/max level by gating better drops behind those higher levels. What would you propose as an alternative without undermining the entire structure that PoE2 has embraced up front with their genre tag (and their company name, to boot)?
Last edited by Th3Fall3n0n3#6762 on Jan 4, 2025, 4:16:35 PM

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