I never played poe1…why is most of the hate coming from poe1 players?
Maybe because POE1 players literally funded the development of PoE2 for 10 years that wasnt even directed at them ?
Posted byGrouk974#2390on Dec 9, 2024, 3:44:17 PM
I never played poe1…why is most of the hate coming from poe1 players?
Go buy a burger and watch the guy next to you eat it.
Posted byTrill1987#1071on Dec 9, 2024, 3:45:50 PM
with your username you are probably better off with Call of Duty my brother
Yes! Simply ignore everything he said and target his username. That's how a valuable discussion is created! 10/10
German saying: Schönheit und Funktionalität in Sekundenschnelle zu ruinieren, ist dem wahren Dilettanten keine Herausforderung!
torturo: "Though, I'm really concerned, knowing by practice the capabilities of the balance team."
top2000: "let me bend your rear for a moment exile"
Posted by666lol666#3140on Dec 9, 2024, 3:47:53 PM
Feeling amazing already!
It was like a terribly unrewarding mold of all the worst parts of PoE 1 , mixed with all the worst parts of Elder Ring and Souls games, mixed with zero loot, mixed with horrible oversized maps that have maybe 1-2 dense fighting areas per 30 minute map clear.
Just because a game is tedious and slow doesn't mean it was challenging. If that was true, everyone would just be sitting and playing the original Zelda on NES because it's a B*** to play (although I'd rather play that because it has lore and atmosphere).
Only diehard streamer fans and players who have dissolved their brains playing TikTok videos could enjoy this game in its current state.
The graphics are great, but some things you can't just 'produce' by strongarming money into them. PoE 2 has no soul or lore at all. The main female explorer character whose name is so forgettable I already forgot it, if you zoom in, has a 'Yankee Doodle Dandy' metal helm with 3 huge feathers shoved inside of it under the metal. That's not lore, that's just goofy.
Act 3 is literally Act 2 from PoE 1 copy pasted and changed a little. I laughed out loud when I realized I was basically in Vaal Pyramids except laid flat down with the Soul Stones part.
They had the option to come up with some amazing cool areas and floundered completely. Like... WEVE ALREADY SEEN JUNGLE AND SAND DUNE ACTS BEFORE! It's patronizing. Also, Act 1 should've just been Act 3 since it had a much more demonic and dark feel to it.
The boss ideas are cool at first, until you realize you're stuck in the boss fight for 10-20 minutes unless you chose one of the better classes.
Not to mention, the game simply runs terribly on a lot of different computers. I can run every other game on Ultra or High @ 4k, and this game I'm getting low FPS and 100% CPU usage even though I'm sitting in the main menu still.
Maybe the game eventually 'gets there', but at this point I hope they just cash grab and rugpull PoE 2 and go back to PoE 1. The devs have definitely lost all my respect and I will never willingly spend another dime on a GGG product.
And lets not even get into the fact they just recycled some of the worst content from PoE1 and bragged about it being 'new end game systems'!. Breach is boring. Digging/explosions is boring. No new systems at all, just copy pasted stuff from PoE1.
Feel almost the same...
Posted byBathatha666#1123on Dec 9, 2024, 4:19:11 PM
I feel several games try to emulate that Hardcore old gameplay. Corepunk is a recent example of this aside wit POE2. They're trying to be hardcore old school, and most of the mechanics falls into annoying and overwhelming mechanics. A dodge roll that is basically useless, big areas that takes 30min to clear and drop no rewards. Flask are not refilled if you don't kill a specific random mob that has an special mod, enemies respawning after player death so now you have to clear the same 30min room that will drop no rewards. No loot at all. no movement mechanics.
Most people will read this complains and start arguing that we want the flashy gameplay of poe1 with 1000 dashes per second and filling the screen with spells. but no. I like the slow paced gameplay of poe2, but it has some pretty bad mechanics. that ruins the experience for most players.
just add a little more mods of movement speed or just add phasing to the roll and the game will automatically FEEL BETTER. you don't need to add Frost Blink, Flame Dash or a Quicksilver flask. you fix that lack of good movement and that's it.
Usually the people that defends poe2 is an average 40y old man that played WoW and Diablo 2, and they're like "Oh yeah we have returned home" and personally i think this type of games, with this "Hardcore gameplay" is just nostalgia grab and being "Hard" (annoying) for the sake of it. The reason of WoW or Diablo 2 being "Hardcore" are the lack of technology or of concepts that we have now days. Yes, you can make a Hardcore RPG but just adapt those concepts to the actuality.
Posted byColyde#3365on Dec 9, 2024, 8:11:31 PM
with your username you are probably better off with Call of Duty my brother
lol dude dont need to "attack" him just because you dont like his opinion.
@OP, you dont need to justify what poe2 does good. i can list a whole lot of them but the fact is you dont like the game so theres no need to.
its fine to dislike a game. poe1 is there for you
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Posted byexsea#1724on Dec 9, 2024, 9:06:04 PM
Youre first paragraph summed up PoE2
that'ls it in a nutshell
also coming from a PoE1 player
Posted byMmmtastyy#6154on Dec 9, 2024, 9:12:52 PM
Talks about playing poe1 but doesn't know who Alva is. Okay, bud. Enjoy your free time I guess.
Posted byPinkRabite#7321on Dec 9, 2024, 10:02:34 PM
with your username you are probably better off with Call of Duty my brother
lol dude dont need to "attack" him just because you dont like his opinion.
@OP, you dont need to justify what poe2 does good. i can list a whole lot of them but the fact is you dont like the game so theres no need to.
its fine to dislike a game. poe1 is there for you
Dudes right though, you must also be a COD player. And with any luck, they'll shut down POE 1 upon POE 2 full release.
Last edited by ZenJelly#0503 on Dec 9, 2024, 10:08:09 PM
Posted byZenJelly#0503on Dec 9, 2024, 10:07:51 PM
with your username you are probably better off with Call of Duty my brother
lol dude dont need to "attack" him just because you dont like his opinion.
@OP, you dont need to justify what poe2 does good. i can list a whole lot of them but the fact is you dont like the game so theres no need to.
its fine to dislike a game. poe1 is there for you
Dudes right though, you must also be a COD player. And with any luck, they'll shut down POE 1 upon POE 2 full release.
i really dont know if i m supposed to be offended by that lol.
tho i dont get the hate for the poe1/2.
why does one game need to die for another to prosper?
all talk about player splitting is actually worthless. players who jump onto poe2 were waiting for something else than poe1 to begin with.
if poe2 didnt exist, i would likely ignore poe1. if poe2 ended up making me rage quit, i m still hyped for GD and TQ2 and even LE.
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Posted byexsea#1724on Dec 10, 2024, 1:06:39 AM