Finally uninstalled PoE2... the wave of relief is crazy!

Filum#9944 wrote:
it's so funny to me to just self-report your skill issue like this

funny to me to see the toxic poe community do its thing while putting a mask on acting like you're all super happy and welcoming.

the second some one thinks differently than you it's rage time

There's a pretty big difference between someone coming over, having a nice dinner and some conversation, then going home...

...versus someone coming over, taking a crap on my couch, kicking my dog, throwing a chair through a window and leaving.

Happy and welcoming goes out the window when people come in being wildly disingenuous a-holes from the start.

That's NOT how it works... the people that paid the bills of the ungrateful divas of GGG are not disposable and this game SHOULD HAVE BEEN made with their best interest at heart... if the devs had any kind of soul or values...

Nope. Not your IP, not your game, not your rules. Sorry, they don't have to bow to you. PoE 1 DOES still exist.


The fact that long time PoE1 players despise this game shows that this game has a very bleak future ahead of it...

6,500 hours in PoE1. I love PoE2 - and despite it's EA bugs - see so much potential beyond all the good already there. But I'm probably lying, you'll tell yourself, so you don't have to admit you're wrong.


PoE1 vets have supported the game with hundreds of dollars (even thousands for some) and have sustained these ungrateful devs for a decade... especially before the big Tencent money...

Refer to above, since you like being so entitled EVERY OTHER SENTENCE. Also, it's been shown time and time again that Tencent doesn't FUND them...they are left to run basically as they did beforehand.


The fact that this game is bleeding out long time fans left and right shows you where it's going... nowhere!!!

Go outside. Breathe fresh air. Get help.


This game is pretty much the same as the Prequels of the Star Wars series... long time fans of Star Wars thought they were cheap and stupid cash grabs, new hype fans loved them... they all watched them once, but nowadays nobody gives a shit about them while the original trilogy is still watched all the time...

Translation: "I hate the new Star Wars movies so no one watches them. I asked. All 8 billion of you fuckers. And none of you like them."


PoE2 is just the hype of the moment... nothing more... a cheap cash grab made with no care of love for the franchise or the fanbase... just to make everyone buy the early access and buy some shit from the store and then it will dwindle away slowly but Tencent will have their payday, so who cares, right?

That why long time players with significant investment got it free? They didn't have to do that, and if they're as despicable as you say, there's no way they'd pass up $30 more from their long time fans, right?

It's almost like facts completely elude you.


Anyway... people that praise this game have zero standards...

I'm not even including this whole section. It's literally "if you don't like what I like you're unimportant at best, vile and disgusting at worst." Actual sociopathic behavior.


And btw, the player count is going DOWN, not up... 550k players on EA day 1, already at 350k now... 200k players have got tired of the tedious, chore-like gameplay already... so maaaaybe Ruthless 2.0 will not be that "massive success" that the money-hungry streamers say it will be...

Finally, my favorite nugget that gets parroted over and over. Games always lose players over time. F2P and live service games even more so. That's why seasons, or whatever each game calls them, exist. To bring people back. New stuff.

You're a petulant child screaming at nothing that the world is unfair for no reason. You're creating scenarios that don't exist and living in a reality that is ONLY yours. NO ONE, and I say this with all the compassion I can muster, should take you seriously in the state you wrote any of this.
Last edited by Melodramatic#5680 on Jan 3, 2025, 12:28:29 AM
Ask yourself: If this were Blizzard, how would you feel?
Last edited by Jabletron#5466 on Jan 3, 2025, 12:33:09 AM
I never played poe1…why is most of the hate coming from poe1 players?

Go buy a burger and watch the guy next to you eat it.

Ask yourself: If this were Blizzard, how would you feel?

but either they are meaningless [like armor in ER]

Bro really took the armor is useless in ER bait lmaooo.
PoE2 Bad. 3.26 when
PoE2 Bad. 3.26 when

PoE2 Bad. 3.26 when

Sorry Bud but we're gearing up for settlers 3... to be released in march
Sorry Bud but we're gearing up for settlers 3... to be released in march

Settlers without Necropolis would be better than current PoE 2.

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