What happened to Chris Wilson?

RIP chris wilson

Where are the corpo-bots who dismissed the internal leak facts about his disappearance ?
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Guys, i dont wanna disturb worshipping Chris, but...
Am i the only one witnessing that PoE2 is EXACTLY the game Chris Wilson's dream of 'Ruthless' was all about?

yep, its gonna be great.


Not a single mentally intact businessman would EVER call poe2's base concept a solid foundation for an arpg supporting f2p seasonal restarts.

true. its not a game made by businessmen, its a game made by arpg vets who want to make a great arpg. the motivation is not money, theres no pressure to make the game a certain kind of way coming from tencent, theyre just making the game they want to make. they are artists, this is their art and it is intended for those who share their taste in arpg games.

that is their right as artists. no one can go and tell ghost or opeth how to write their next albums, thats their art. if people like it they can listen to it, if not go listen to something else.


And now, two years later, despite of all the community's disagreement regarding his ruthless vision back then, a company famous for making money is settling on this pure insanity of an arpg idea? Really?

a company famous for making a good game. blizzard made more money, bobby kotek was a better business man, diablo3 and 4 were giant piles of dogshit and path of exile is a great game. thats what theyre famous for.

D3 and D4 had more raw players on launch, and they lost most of them rapidly because they made the game and sold it to people who buy a game play it for 50 hours over a few weeks and then buy the next assassins creed or god of war or monster hunter etc and move on. because that makes business sense.

poe held and grew a dedicated arpg fan base for 12 years because it was a great game.


I can not see a company with rational eonomic incentives would in any way ever accept such a mess of direction.

yep, thats absolutely true. thats why all this talk of tencent making the game rubbish to earn more money or ggg sold their souls or they only care about cash now thats why game sucks, all that stuff is absolute nonsense and we can clearly see that because like you say there is no world in which what they are doing makes any sense from a view of trying to make as much money as possible. they are obviously not motivated by that.

heres a thing tho. people looking at it thinking well if the game is a bit faster it will be more exciting, if i can get better items easier it will be more exciting. ok, how do you keep people coming back for 12 years? by making the game progressively more exciting. each season is a bit more exciting, year on year the game gets more exciting. what happens if the game gets too fast and too much shit drops? it becomes stupid and stops being fun.

so how do you set up a game? you have to establish expectations, then have room to keep giving people more than they have grown to expect incrementally for a decade without it becoming stupid.

poe1 is on the verge of becoming really, really stupid. what was poe1 like on launch? how did poe change over time that kept it becoming more and more exciting?

right. glad we all get it, so lets chill and enjoy the great ride we are now on. eta 10-16 months? cool, sounds great i got a ton of books and art and games to be getting on with in the mean time. see you all there.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
this is a very materialistic way of looking at things. But its also pretty inaccurate they can import pretty much anything to NZ that any other 1st world nation has it just costs a little more shipping and import taxes. Being rich makes that not a real concern.

The thing to do with lots of money is live a life of your own choosing without being obligated or constrained by jobs or money.

"you win, so now what?"

Game designers I feel are the most likely people to come to understand that life is a journey (because so are games) and that the destination or making a number go up; are not the point (because just like games).

I figured this out when I got Asteroids on the Atari 2600 in the 80's and no longer needed quarters. Making the number go up wore off real fast. The gameplay itself became obviously the sole reason to play, and once that was mastered it got boring REAL FAST. Just like when you get a HH or MB and almost immediately start wondering what to do next, and start imagining what the next league might be and lose interest in the current one.

Life is a game in the most literal and most metaphorical sense.

m8, its so true.

if i were chris i would leave ggg, get as far away from knowing anything about poe2 as i could, go play magic for 12 months then sit down on launch and finally be able to play path of exile unspoiled as a player. to be able to actually enjoy the game i spent 12 years of my life on in a way no artist can enjoy the art they make, as a detached fan who doesnt just see a bunch of variables and design regrets.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
I don't want to speculate too much, but is anyone but me surprised that no1 of the big PoE creators made a video about this? Usually there's a video within minutes after some minor news broke, but this time... radio silence. (except Talkative Tri)

It signals to me that they already knew and weren't allowed to talk about it.
Ulsarek#7159 wrote:
Alright let's keep it real, there is no way of us knowing and that's fine. No need to find a scapegoat.

Someone working with passion on a project for a decade not saying goodbye is not normal. There is (was) beef behind the scenes 100%. I might even go as far as claiming streamers were told to not ask questions about it on live streams with GGG staff. Not a single streamer ever had the idea to ask what is going on with Chris and why he is no longer showing up without any notice? Sure...

Ulsarek#7159 wrote:

If you say so, then surely!

I could be wrong, but I am probably not. It works for D4 and WoW, why shouldn´t it work for PoE2? Especially considering PoE2 has a much broader target audience than PoE1 had (and has).

if you nerf 10 gems out of 30, you automatically buff the other 20!

m8, its so true.

if i were chris i would leave ggg, get as far away from knowing anything about poe2 as i could, go play magic for 12 months then sit down on launch and finally be able to play path of exile unspoiled as a player. to be able to actually enjoy the game i spent 12 years of my life on in a way no artist can enjoy the art they make, as a detached fan who doesnt just see a bunch of variables and design regrets.

Well, to me, in his shoes, this feels more like watching another guy hook up with my ex-wife I still have feelings for. But, who knows...
if you nerf 10 gems out of 30, you automatically buff the other 20!
Sadaukar#2191 wrote:
I don't want to speculate too much, but is anyone but me surprised that no1 of the big PoE creators made a video about this? Usually there's a video within minutes after some minor news broke, but this time... radio silence. (except Talkative Tri)

It signals to me that they already knew and weren't allowed to talk about it.

Probably grabbing more attention now posting Legacy of Phrecia builds and plans.
Sadly Chris left the company:/

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Last edited by Ayelen_GGG#0000 on Feb 20, 2025, 5:51:11 PM
ibims111#7338 wrote:
Someone working with passion on a project for a decade not saying goodbye is not normal. There is (was) beef behind the scenes 100%. I might even go as far as claiming streamers were told to not ask questions about it on live streams with GGG staff. Not a single streamer ever had the idea to ask what is going on with Chris and why he is no longer showing up without any notice? Sure...

No shit there was a power struggle :

- Tencent taking full control over GGG late 2023 / early 2024
- Chris not coming to work since late 2023
- Erik downgraded to minion status in the same timeframe
- Jonathan becoming Tencent's frontman ever since

The 4chan leak covered all of this extensively , the rest was public knowledge or has been confirmed since . People needs to stop buying into the narrative that GGG is some kind of magical lalaland , GGG is a corporate company full of greedy backstabbers just like everywhere else .
"Go buy a supporter pack and I might take you seriously." ~ Generic PoE whale

ICE BELL RINGER ~ Endgame Farming ~ Pinnacle Eraser ~ Gamepad Gameplay ~ Low Budget ~ 0.1.1 Version
Last edited by Ashyev#5110 on Feb 20, 2025, 11:02:45 AM
ibims111#7338 wrote:

m8, its so true.

if i were chris i would leave ggg, get as far away from knowing anything about poe2 as i could, go play magic for 12 months then sit down on launch and finally be able to play path of exile unspoiled as a player. to be able to actually enjoy the game i spent 12 years of my life on in a way no artist can enjoy the art they make, as a detached fan who doesnt just see a bunch of variables and design regrets.

Well, to me, in his shoes, this feels more like watching another guy hook up with my ex-wife I still have feelings for. But, who knows...

i dont think chris has been an actual active lead developer of the games content for about a decade. i believe he made talisman league?

jonathan built the game in terms of the code, the engine. its been rory, mark, a whole bunch of other people who keep their heads down actually designing and balancing the content, monsters, bosses, items, passives etc forever essentially, for about 10 years.

chris does/did business things. hes the guy who deals with the accounts people, the legal people, licensing, paying staff, paying for the studio, running the company afaik. do their mtx comply with trading laws in canada? well chris is the guy whos making sure they do. he isnt the guy designing mageblood and he cant tell you what the latest changes to the ranger ascendancies are. he is making sure the people who do that stuff are getting paid tho and all related taxes are in order.

he doesnt design the game from my understanding. you can go back to 2016 and hes openly saying on podcasts he has information here the actual game devs have given him, and some questions hes saying i dont know an answer to that specifically, ill have to go ask the people who are designing the league/item/passives you are talking about. theres guys in the room shouting answers to him, he doesnt know, hes not involved in the nitty gritty of the designs.

he did the interviews so that his devs could work behind the scenes and not be public facing cause of all the hate and bs that gets thrown at them. but even 9 years ago there were things about game mechanics he was unaware of in podcasts.

there doesnt have to be beef, maybe they just didnt want to feed the hate machine on reddit and the forums with what would be taken as omg the doooooommmmmm. ITS END TIMES CHRIS HAS GONE!!!!! or maybe hes not gone hes just no the director, maybe hes just doing some business end stuff from his ipad at home in the swimming pool like a gamescon tony soprano.
I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)

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